Cradle Quotes

Text Quotes
[Mystery] is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science (Cradle Quotes)
Babies haven’t any hair; Old men’s heads are just as bare; between the cradle and the grave lie a haircut and a shave. (Cradle Quotes)
To fall asleep in your embrace,Land of our dreams, what bliss,O you our cradle, you our grave,You the new hope we ever crave,Peninsula so beautiful,Finland for aye our all! (Cradle Quotes)
The notion of there being something greater than humanity can strike fear in the bravest of soldiers and cradle courage in the palm of a child’s hand. (Cradle Quotes)
Disagreements between incompatible beliefs cannot be settled by reasoned argument because reasoned argument is drummed out of those trained in religion from the cradle. (Cradle Quotes)
And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon Little boy blue and the man in the moon (Cradle Quotes)
People get upset when Baghdad, the Cradle of Civilization is burning, or when the Buddhas in Afghanistan are falling. These are real concerns. (Cradle Quotes)
Nature is the supreme cradle of life, and must be protected and treated with the highest respect and care. (Cradle Quotes)
We must remember that nature is the supreme cradle of life, and must be protected and treated with the highest respect and care. (Cradle Quotes)
It is still an act of academic heresy to regard Egypt as the cradle of civilization and originator of Jewish and Christian religious traditions. (Cradle Quotes)
The ever-growing power of a soulless political bureaucracy which supervises and safeguards the life of man from the cradle to the grave is putting ever-greater obstacles in the way of co-operation among human beings. (Cradle Quotes)
I wouldn’t give one iota to make a trip from the cradle to the grave unless I could live in a competitive world. (Cradle Quotes)
Even if security from the cradle to the grave could eliminate [all] the risks of life, it would [still] be a dead hand on the creative spirit of the American people. (Cradle Quotes)
Silence is like a cradle holding our endeavors and our will; a silent spaciousness sustains us in our work and at the same time connects us to larger worlds that, in the busyness of our daily struggle to achieve, we have not yet investigated. Silence is the soul’s break for freedom. (Cradle Quotes)
Ere yet we yearn for what is out of our reach, we are still in the cradle. When wearied out with our yearnings, desire again falls asleep; we are on the death-bed. (Cradle Quotes)
Now, let me be clear. The path I lay out is not one paved with ever increasing government checks and cradle to grave assurance that government will always be the solution. If this election is a bidding war for who can promise the most goodies and the most benefits, I’m not your president. You have that president today. (Cradle Quotes)
I think actors always retain one foot in the cradle. We’re switched on to our youth, to our childhood. We have to be because we’re in the business of transferring emotions to other people. (Cradle Quotes)
Time, the cradle of hope.... Wisdom walks before it, opportunity with it, and repentance behind it: he that has made it his friend will have little to fear from his enemies, but he that has made it his enemy will have little to hope from his friends. (Cradle Quotes)
Obama’s defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it. (Cradle Quotes)
A lot of the state-sponsored growth in India was just too fast. You went from cradle to Nirvana in a short period of time. (Cradle Quotes)
We have outlived this embryo, this human cradle, and now it’s time to be up and about the great business of becoming citizens of the galaxy and at home with our own heart. (Cradle Quotes)
The seventeenth-century baby slept, as his nineteenth-century descendant does, in a cradle. Nothing could be prettier than the old cradles that have survived successive years of use with many generations of babies. (Cradle Quotes)
Such is life and life is such and after all it isn’t much. First a cradle. Then a hearse. It might have been better, but it could have been worse. (Cradle Quotes)