Craig Johnson Quotes
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Text Quotes
If there’s a character type I despise, it’s the all-capable, all-knowing, physically perfect protagonist. My idea of hell would be to be trapped in a four-hundred page, first-person, first-tense, running monologue with a character like that. I think writers who produce characters along those lines should graduate from high school and move on (Craig Johnson Quotes)
We’ve never done a coordinated music effort. Everything else we’ve done has been around a holiday - Halloween, Mardi Gras, half way to Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Temptation out of reach does you no good (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Revolution is the industry of young men (Craig Johnson Quotes)
It all came down to judging - if you were a good judge of the man in front of you, you might survive; if not, then you were the honored dead (Craig Johnson Quotes)
I had warned her that lawyers shouldn't marry other lawyers, that it only led to imbecile paralegals (Craig Johnson Quotes)
It's never about who's the fastest, strongest, toughest - it's always about who, when everyone else would pause, will commit (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Nature hates a vacuum and strange things are drawn into empty places; sometimes oddities survive where nothing else can (Craig Johnson Quotes)
She resembled Anna Karenina, the kind of woman that if you want to kill, you have to hit with a train (Craig Johnson Quotes)
I thought about Maggie and how passion was a difficult thing to sustain, but that friendship had a pace that could go on forever (Craig Johnson Quotes)
The smooth, steady movement of my actions raised a sliver of panic in the rational man who was abandoning me (Craig Johnson Quotes)
As your trusted Indian scout, it is important for me to warn you that you are now on perilously thin ice (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Like some strange little religion all its own, the one thing that makes the whole system work is the one thing that it robs you of - faith (Craig Johnson Quotes)
It was the second time that day that I stood looking at a space where a large thing wasn't where it was supposed to be (Craig Johnson Quotes)
The place was packed as we flooded in, all the patrons freezing at the sight of an armed sheriff, two deputies, an Indian, and a construction worker; we probably looked like the Village People (Craig Johnson Quotes)
I looked over at her; if women knew how good they looked in the dash light of oversized pickup trucks, they'd never get out of them (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Maybe there really isn’t any such thing as mortality; life simply wears us out with love (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Artists are always good for conversation, so long as you want to talk about their art (Craig Johnson Quotes)
The problem with anger is that once it burns out, you’re left with empty tanks (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Writing is a solitary pursuit and I think you have to be partially at peace with yourself, but it’s the other part that’s usually producing the stuff worth reading (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Reports of missing persons have increased sixfold in the last twenty-five years, from roughly 150,000 in 1980 to 900,000 this year... More than 2,000 a day (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Few people knew the shadowy history of the Special Operations Group that had operated out of Laos, but the numbers said it all: For every American Special Forces soldier that was lost, the North Vietnamese lost between 100 and 150 troops. The Bear had been a part of one of the most effective killing machines on either side of the war (Craig Johnson Quotes)
I'd say the depths of his stupidity have yet to be plumbed, and yours is comin' up fast on the inside turn (Craig Johnson Quotes)
She was classic Wyoming, that indiscriminate age between thirty and a hundred where the women find a comfort for themselves and just settle in (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Looking at the piles around us - they were like literary land mines just waiting to explode minds (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Don't care how big they are, boys; they can't do anything if you get 'em up off the ground (Craig Johnson Quotes)
I sometimes think that it's not our enemies that we resent in life, but rather friends we have who stood quietly by and did nothing (Craig Johnson Quotes)
He's like a gun; once you point him and pull the trigger, it's too late to change your mind (Craig Johnson Quotes)
With more than thirty thousand suicides a year, the act is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States (Craig Johnson Quotes)
Say dogs have a vocabulary of about twenty words, and I was pretty sure seventeen of Dog's were ham (Craig Johnson Quotes)
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