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Cramming Quotes

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I do a lot of cardio. I think it’s super important, especially for women. I don’t have a tremendous amount of time to work out, so I find myself cramming in a cardio because that’s all I can fit in. I think that if you don’t have a lot of time, that it’s the cleanest way to burn a few calories  (Cramming Quotes) There is no cramming for a test of character. It always comes as a pop quiz  (Cramming Quotes) What has brought unique, irreplaceable me - out of all the possibilities of life-here, now, to this? Was all my youth-the paper route after school, the stolen moments in the back seats of borrowed cars, the football workouts, the cramming for finals-meant to end this way, dying in a muddy paddy?  (Cramming Quotes) In Praise of Slowness’ chronicles the global trend towards deceleration that has come to be known as the Slow Movement. Don’t worry, though: it is not a Luddite rant. I love speed. Going fast can be fun, liberating and productive. The problem is that our hunger for speed, for cramming more and more into less and less time, has gone too far.  (Cramming Quotes) Our obsession with speed, with cramming more and more into every minute, means that we race through life instead of actually living it. Our health, diet and relationships suffer. We make mistakes at work. We struggle to relax, to enjoy the moment, even to get a decent night’s sleep.  (Cramming Quotes) To focus on technique is like cramming your way through school. You sometimes get by, perhaps even get good grades, but if you don’t pay the price day in and day out, you’ll never achieve true mastery of the subjects you study or develop an educated mind.  (Cramming Quotes) I would say that I love pizza so much that sometimes I eat pizza while I’m eating pizza. Like, I’m so content with myself with how it’s going that I’m like, ‘I should do this more,’ not realizing that the mouth is full. I’m just cramming pizza into my mouth.  (Cramming Quotes) Size matters in fiction, but so does lack of size. Everything else being equal, fat novels tend to be perceived as serious, very thin ones as more honest, more real. Writers address these age-old expectations by filling their big books with philosophy and cramming their little ones with feeling.  (Cramming Quotes) When the blackberries hang swollen in the woods, in the brambles nobody owns, I spend all day among the high branches, reaching my ripped arms, thinking of nothing, cramming the black honey of summer into my mouth; all day my body accepts what it is. In the dark creeks that run by there is this thick paw of my life darting among the black bells, the leaves; there is this happy tongue  (Cramming Quotes) To focus on technique is like cramming your way through school. You sometimes get by, perhaps even get good grades, but if you don’t pay the price day in and day out, you’ll never achieve true mastery of the subjects you study or develop an educated mind  (Cramming Quotes) I was thinking about how people seem to read the bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me - they're cramming for their final exam  (Cramming Quotes) Cramming seeks to stamp things in by intense application immediately before the ordeal. But a thing thus learned can form but few associations  (Cramming Quotes) Distraction and procrastination come in a variety of flavors... when I’m distracted and I walk over and stare out the window, it’s a very different experience than when I feed the distraction by cramming in a few emails or make a phone call  (Cramming Quotes) Alas, what wickedness to swallow flesh into our own flesh, to fatten our greedy bodies by cramming in other bodies, to have one living creature fed by the death of another!  (Cramming Quotes) One of the great misconceptions about spiritual growth that develops in a lot of churches is that information alone is adequate to produce transformed human beings. So if we want to have a church of spiritually mature people, let’s just keep cramming more and more information into them... Information alone is not adequate for the transformation of the human personality  (Cramming Quotes) Western laziness consists of cramming our lives with compulsive activity, so that there is no time at all to confront the real issues  (Cramming Quotes) I don't have a strict diet. It's all about cramming in as many calories into my system as I possibly can. To be honest with you, I have a tough time keeping weight on  (Cramming Quotes) I was thinking about how people seem to read the bible a lot more as they get older, and then it dawned on me - they're cramming for their final exam  (Cramming Quotes)