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Craving Quotes

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I may be too craving of that rich gift, the power of sharing other minds. I have drunk deeply, long, and oh! how blissfully at this fountain in a foreign clime. Hearts met hearts, minds joined with minds; and what were the secondary trials of pain to the enfeebled, suffering body when daily was administered the soul’s medicine and food!  (Craving Quotes) Directors are our teachers, and I’m always craving to work with a great director. They’re pretty much the first thing that interests me about a project.  (Craving Quotes) Your greatest fear is death and your deepest craving is survival. You want Forever, you desire Eternity. In your deluded belief that you are this ‘mind’ or ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’, you find the escape clause in your contract with mortality. Perhaps as ‘mind’ you can wing free of the body when it dies, hmm?  (Craving Quotes) The kind of group mentality that we had lived under since the Second World War is starting to erupt, and the craving for individualism is now much stronger. It’s not as taboo anymore, as it was when I was younger.  (Craving Quotes) If you want something, have it. If you feel like it’s forbidden, you’ll want it even more. Whenever I have a craving, I go and have it and just make sure I don’t have it again the next day.  (Craving Quotes) This craving for health, wealth, long life, and the like - the so - called good - is nothing but an illusion.  (Craving Quotes)
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