Crazy Quotes

Text Quotes
A man who is already insane was frightening enough, but when he goes crazy (Crazy Quotes)
Creative people are often considered crazy but I believe crazy can be a good thing (Crazy Quotes)
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? (Crazy Quotes)
Everyone got kind of crazy with me mentioning I was in love with a woman (Crazy Quotes)
Hollywood is wonderful. Anyone who doesn’t like it is either crazy or sober (Crazy Quotes)
We could improve worldwide mental health if we acknowledged that parents can make you crazy (Crazy Quotes)
Of course I’m crazy, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong (Crazy Quotes)
I’m going, she said. I love you but you’re crazy, you’re doomed (Crazy Quotes)
I’m the oldest son of a crazy man, I’m in a cowboy band (Crazy Quotes)
Yes, it’s crazy. Love is either crazy or it’s nothing at all (Crazy Quotes)
Life is just this way, broken, and I am crazy to hope for something else (Crazy Quotes)
That’s the crazy thing about lies. You start to fall for them, yourself (Crazy Quotes)
I know he was desperate. That makes people do all kinds of crazy things (Crazy Quotes)
What appeals to you the most is the very thing that will drive you crazy (Crazy Quotes)
Maybe crazy is just the word we use for feelings that will not be contained (Crazy Quotes)
It was crazy how a hearse and a pair of sneakers could cheer a guy up (Crazy Quotes)
I don’t know Karate, but I do know crazy and I’m not afraid to use it (Crazy Quotes)
You must run around like a crazy person or walk sedately honoring the dead (Crazy Quotes)
A truly happy woman drives some men and almost every other woman absolutely crazy (Crazy Quotes)
I was suddenly left with nothing in my hands but a handful of crazy stars (Crazy Quotes)
The best relationship advice I can give you is make sure you are the crazy one (Crazy Quotes)
The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people (Crazy Quotes)
It is important to remember that at first blush, going sane feels just like going crazy (Crazy Quotes)
The crazy thing is, I never knew that a wiener could actually make me nauseous (Crazy Quotes)
I crave cantaloupe like a crazy person... But I put salt all over it, so I don’t know if it’s that healthy (Crazy Quotes)
Am I crazy or am I a genius? I don’t think I’m either (Crazy Quotes)
Loose ladies on the road will drive you crazy, every no, becomes a maybe (Crazy Quotes)
What’s so crazy is when you give interviews to reporters that don’t really care too much for you, basically what they’re going to do is write what they want to write and discredit you. They’re going to write and say what they want to say, no matter what you tell them (Crazy Quotes)
Eventually it just got really crazy. Less and less oxygen in the apartment (Crazy Quotes)
Some are born crazy, amelia said. Some achieve craziness. We had craziness thrust upon us (Crazy Quotes)