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Crease Quotes

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When you have a gown, there’s much more to be concerned about. Where is this crease falling? Are you making a weird shape with the dress? Are you doing the designer justice? With a bathing suit, it’s more about you and the mood you convey  (Crease Quotes) Stand, you’ve been sitting much too long, there’s a permanent crease in your right or wrong  (Crease Quotes) He was dressed as if everything he wore had come from different stores or from a rummage sale, except that the crease in his trousers was sharp and his shoes were shined  (Crease Quotes) His face was very heavily creased, and into each crease he had tucked some worry or other, so that it wasn’t really his face any longer, but more like a tree that had nests of birds in all of the branches. He had to struggle constantly to manage it and always looked worn out from the effort  (Crease Quotes) When you have a gown, there’s much more to be concerned about. Where is this crease falling? Are you making a weird shape with the dress? Are you doing the designer justice? With a bathing suit, it’s more about you and the mood you convey.  (Crease Quotes)