Create Quotes

Text Quotes
The best way to become more creative is to create nothing. By this, I mean that you should return to zero point. Rid yourself of all the mental and emotional blocks that keep you from manifesting your full creative potential (Create Quotes)
Throughout this book, we’ve been evangelizing simplicity, but ironically, the practice of simplicity is not simple. It is easy to build a bulky design by adding layer upon layer of navigation and features; it’s much more difficult to create simple, graceful designs. Paring designs to essential elements while maintaining elegance and functionality requires courage and discipline (Create Quotes)
I can’t always reach the image in my mind... almost never, in fact... so that the abstract image I create is not quite there, but it gets to the point where I can leave it (Create Quotes)
There never seems to be any trouble brewing around a bar until a woman puts that high heel over the brass rail. Don’t ask me why, but somehow women at bars seem to create trouble among men (Create Quotes)
We don’t realize how much we create reality through language. If we say that life is hard, it will be hard (Create Quotes)
You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs (Create Quotes)
It doesn’t take any more energy to create a big dream than it does to create a little one (Create Quotes)
Develop an enthusiasm for life, create a need for more life, and you will receive more life (Create Quotes)
Such creatures of accident are we, liable to a thousand deaths before we are born. But once we are here, we may create our own world, if we choose (Create Quotes)
The responsibility of an architect is to create a sense of order, a sense of place, a sense of relationship (Create Quotes)
If you’re crazy enough to do what you love for a living, then you’re bound to create a life that matters (Create Quotes)
I think music is an instrument. It can create the initial thought patterns that can change the thinking of people (Create Quotes)
To convince people to back your idea, you’ve got to sell it to yourself and know when it’s the moment. Sometimes that means waiting. It’s like surfing. You don’t create energy, you just harvest energy already out there (Create Quotes)
I’m not being analytical. I just create everything intuitively. If you’re too analytical, what you’re doing probably ends up being too specific (Create Quotes)
Freedom is the power to create out of nothing, the power of the spirit to create out of itself (Create Quotes)
The ills of discrimination are still with us. We have to continue the tenacity and vigilance of the 1960s. Racial understanding is not something we find; it’s something we create (Create Quotes)
What if more and more parents, grandparents and kids around the country band together to create outdoor adventure clubs, family nature networks, family outdoor clubs, or green gyms? What if this approach becomes the norm in every community? (Create Quotes)
A strong player, which has the sufficient critical mass, can withhold pressure better and create a more stable environment that benefits shareholders as well as employees (Create Quotes)
To create worry humans elongate fear with anticipation and memory, expand it in imagination and fuel it with emotion. The uniquely human mental process called worrying depends upon having a brain that can reason, remember, reflect, feel, and imagine. Only humans have a brain big enough to do this simultaneously and do it well (Create Quotes)
The only way to raise the quality of writing in school is to create, share, and celebrate the specific criteria for that quality with everybody on a regular basis (Create Quotes)
What a gift of grace to be able to take the chaos from within and from it create some semblance of order (Create Quotes)
One of the deep fundamentals of poetry is the recurrence of sounds, syllables, words, phrases, lines, and stanzas. Repetition can be one of the most intoxicating features of poetry. It creates expectations, which can be fulfilled or frustrated. It can create a sense of boredom and complacency, but it can also incite enchantment and inspire bliss (Create Quotes)
A lot of people think that success is luck and being in the right place at the right time. But I think if you’re willing to work harder than anybody else, you can create an awful lot of your own luck (Create Quotes)
There are two types of seeds in the mind: those that create anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, hatred and those that create love, compassion, equanimity and joy. Spirituality is germination and sprouting of the second group and transforming the first group (Create Quotes)
Guitar solos bore the hell out of me. Only a few guitarists interest me, and it’s not about the solos they play, it’s about the grooves they create (Create Quotes)
The most we can hope for is to create the best possible conditions for success, then let go of the outcome. The ride is a lot more fun that way (Create Quotes)
I can’t go back and change the hands of time but what I can do is create a new legacy (Create Quotes)
I don’t think you can create anything interesting from a comfort zone. You have to work from a place of fear and failure (Create Quotes)
Always have the highest bar for yourself. Wake up everyday and no matter how crappy you feel, want to change something for the better. Do something that makes someone happy. Create something that inspires someone. Be someone’s light when they are hopeless (Create Quotes)
We have to create miracles. A miracle is not the intersession of an external divine agency in violation of the laws of physics. A miracle is simply something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible (Create Quotes)