Created Quotes

Text Quotes
Contentment comes when you find the people, places, and events in life you were created to impact (Created Quotes)
Beauty cannot be defined by abscissas and ordinates; neither are circles and ellipses created by their geometrical formulas (Created Quotes)
God created man, and finding him not sufficiently alone, gave him a female companion so that he might feel his solitude more acutely (Created Quotes)
The cross of Christ exists because mankind - loved by God, created by God, set in motion by God-betrayed God and prefers his stuff to him (Created Quotes)
We can never grasp the extent of our depravity until we recognize the excellencies of our created dignity (Created Quotes)
A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created (Created Quotes)
You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created (Created Quotes)
Strange... A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied seventy times seven and invented Hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man’s acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship him! (Created Quotes)
To deprive mankind of their natural right and power of creating wealth for themselves, is as great a tyranny as it is to rob them of it after they have created it. And this is done by all laws against honest banking (Created Quotes)
The nature of the economic system should be a matter for public choice, and free market capitalism should not be accepted without any discussion of the rich variety of alternatives... Unlike civil laws, economic laws are imposed on people with all the authority of immutable laws of nature. But the economy is created by people, supported by government intervention, regulation, statute and subsidy, and implemented in such a way that it gives substantial wealth and power to a privileged few, while the majority face a life of relentless work, stress and periodic financial insecurity (Created Quotes)
The difficulty is old, but none the less real. An omnipotent being who created a world containing evil not due to sin must himself be at least partially evil (Created Quotes)
Arithmetic must be discovered in just the same sense in which Columbus discovered the West Indies, and we no more create numbers than he created the Indians (Created Quotes)
And I’m not an actress. I don’t think I am an actress. I think I’ve created a brand and a business (Created Quotes)
As I have tried to show, science, in producing the airplane and the wireless, has created a new international political environment to which governments must adjust their foreign policies (Created Quotes)
Cities all over the world are getting bigger as more and more people move from rural to urban sites, but that has created enormous problems with respect to environmental pollution and the general quality of life (Created Quotes)
God created paper for the purpose of drawing architecture on it. Everything else is at least for me an abuse of paper (Created Quotes)
Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people (Created Quotes)
I did not imagine that the second half of my life would be spent on efforts to avert a mortal danger to humanity created by science (Created Quotes)
It is essential to do everything possible to attract young people to opera so they can see that it is not some antiquated art form but a repository of the most glorious music and drama that man has created (Created Quotes)
It is really cool to have created a movie that has turned out to become the biggest movie of the year (Created Quotes)
Japanese traditional architecture is created based on these conditions. This is the reason you have a very high degree of connection between the outside and inside in architecture (Created Quotes)
Just as characteristic, perhaps, is the intellectual interdependence created through the development of the modern media of communication: post, telegraph, telephone, and popular press (Created Quotes)
Let love flow so that it cleanses the world. Then man can live in peace, instead of the state of turmoil he has created through his past ways of life, with all those material interests and earthly ambitions (Created Quotes)
Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I’ve ever thought I’d have (Created Quotes)
My father’s death, my move, and my frightening and difficult delivery created a tremendous amount of stress, pain, and sadness for me. I was practically devastated beyond recovery (Created Quotes)
Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man (Created Quotes)
Take pride in your work at all times. Remember, respect for an umpire is created off the field as well as on (Created Quotes)
The goodness of a thing created is the perfection of its fitness for the use which it serves. Now that use is either particular or universal (Created Quotes)
There are two ways to worry words. One is hoping for the greatest possible beauty in what is created. The other is to tell the truth (Created Quotes)
There were so much affairs of me created by the media... of course I was not always a true single. I had some relations, once also to a famous pop star (Created Quotes)