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Text Quotes
God values you simply because He created you. You are precious to Him, and your value will never change. (Created Quotes)
Our universe was created to perpetuate creation, it was not created to perpetuate consumption (Created Quotes)
The experience of both acting and producing has been wonderful. It certainly has created a full plate. But it is very exciting and rewarding to have creative input on the show. ‘Reed’ is about love and family and for me, playing a hand in shaping it has been deeply gratifying. (Created Quotes)
This is actually something no one knows, but my mom was really the one who created the entire style for ‘Teen Witch.’ I’m dead serious. She was super involved, and is super creative, so I wore a lot of my actual clothes in the movie. Truly, Louise was my mom’s vision. She really created an iconic character. (Created Quotes)
Whatever the political injustices are that created an environment that brought this about, it was not Americans who flew those planes into those buildings. And we should remember that. The crimes against humanity were perpetrated by people who were Arab Muslims. (Created Quotes)
I read a lot of books about psychopaths. I read a wonderful book Amy Hempel gave me about the guy who created criminal profiling - a fascinating book, ‘Mind Hunter.’ (Created Quotes)
I will tell you what I can’t abide - and I think the Internet has really created a space for it - women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers. (Created Quotes)
Every major technological step forward has profoundly changed human society - that’s how we know they’re major, even if we don’t always realise it at the time. Farming created cities. Writing, followed eventually by printing, vastly increased the preservation and transmission of cultural information across time and space. (Created Quotes)
Value is created for the customer, and that allows our suppliers, agents and staff that work with Sany to obtain success. (Created Quotes)
This is why God created so many different religions: to be training grounds to make a path for every people, culture, custom, and tradition. Religions polish people to be qualified to enter the region of the original homeland. Because of humankind’s many different cultural backgrounds, God sought and set the standard of comparison and has been leading the way toward one unified religious world. (Created Quotes)
I love music, and I loved dance music immediately. So I bought some equipment and started making my own. When I started this, I didn’t say, ‘okay I’m going to do this step and then this step’ to become popular. I just created music that I loved. (Created Quotes)
My first mentor and inspiration was my Irish Dancing teacher Patricia Mulholland. She created her own form of dance known as Irish ballet and created stage productions of old Irish myths and legends. They were my first experiences on stage. She told my mum I was destined for the stage, and I took that as my cue. (Created Quotes)
The real culprits are those who created a system that makes it dangerous to work and safe to loaf (Created Quotes)
Yet there have been and still are mathematicians and philosophers who doubt whether the whole universe, or to speak more widely, the whole of being, was only created in Euclid’s geometry. They even dare to dream that two parallel lines, which according to Euclid can never meet on earth, may meet somewhere in infinity. (Created Quotes)
To abandon all is to take our hearts, place them before the One who created them, and dare to believe He can live life powerfully through our surrendered lives. (Created Quotes)
The Adversity Index was created by and Moody’s Analytics to track the economic fortunes of states and metro areas. Each month, the Adversity Index uses government data on employment, industrial production, housing starts and home prices to label each area as expanding, at risk of recession, in recession or recovering. (Created Quotes)
It gives you great pleasure to know that millions of developers, day to day, make their living using the software that you created. (Created Quotes)
The idea of a star being born is bushwa. A star is created, carefully and cold-bloodily, built up from nothing, from nobody. Age, beauty, talent, least of all talent, has nothing to do with it. We could make silk purses out of sows’ ears every day of the week. (Created Quotes)
It’s a really dark, emotionally wrenching world that we’ve created on ‘The Walking Dead.’ (Created Quotes)
Virtue, dear friend, needs no defense, The surest guard is innocence: None knew, till guilt created fear, What darts or poisoned arrows were (Created Quotes)
The reason we have this inner conviction that death is not the end - and that Heaven exists - is because we were created in the image of God. (Created Quotes)
Death is not our end. We are a part of an infinitely long journey that was started when this Universe was created. (Created Quotes)
My father’s death, my move, and my frightening and difficult delivery created a tremendous amount of stress, pain, and sadness for me. I was practically devastated beyond recovery. (Created Quotes)
And it’s important to remember we are all responsible - or certainly the elected members in Washington of both parties are responsible for making decisions and choices to ensure that the economy grows and jobs are created. (Created Quotes)
The Internet was developed in large part by U.S. government research funding to develop new communications networks, starting with a network created by the Department of Defense. (Created Quotes)
Our culture has created two almost irreconcilable descriptions of a ‘good woman.’ The first is the individual achiever; the second, the self-sacrificing domestic goddess. (Created Quotes)
Desert Storm created the pattern for the American way of war that eventually prevailed in Kosovo. America learned from Vietnam that unilateral use of force eventually forfeits international legitimacy and domestic support. Desert Storm demonstrated the political necessity of coalition warfare. (Created Quotes)
Technology is making design more exciting, with color, wallpaper, textures, fabrics that could never have been created without the technology. (Created Quotes)
Inside, I’ve got a real purist desire and dream about the music. I like the idea of being able to carve out a kind of magical, colourful, artistic, inspirational life. And the reality just turns out to be quite different, working with the business to bring this thing you have created into the world. (Created Quotes)
Investors are impatient and they are also desperate for the ‘next big thing,’ and they are not paying attention to the fact that the ‘next big thing’ can be an economic crisis that they have created by being very irresponsible with their power. (Created Quotes)