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Text Quotes
God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs. (Created Quotes)
If we are indeed created in God’s image, then we, too, must create and then we, too, must rest (Created Quotes)
You do have a Dream. It’s part of what it means to be human, created in the image of God. (Created Quotes)
Nothing created has ever been able to fill the heart of man. God alone can fill it infinitely. (Created Quotes)
I want to be around people smart enough to know God created the heavens and the earth (Created Quotes)
It is a hard thing to let go of mistakes we’ve made and sins. God wants us to do that because He knows the guilt and the condemnation will keep us from becoming who He has created us to be. (Created Quotes)
Trump claims he’d be the best jobs president that God ever created. But isn’t his claim to fame firing people? (Created Quotes)
God has created us and poured love into our hearts so that we may do our best to alleviate the suffering that is around us. (Created Quotes)
The SF [Supreme Fascist, i.e. God] created us to enjoy our suffering. The sooner we die, the sooner we defy His plans. (Created Quotes)
Every person is created in the image of God and has value. Every person. Every person is to be treated with respect. Every person is also a citizen of some country. In their country, they have rights and responsibilities; in every other country, they are a guest. (Created Quotes)
God created us in His image, and He gave us an imagination with His imprint to create things for His glory! (Created Quotes)
That’s why God created marriage, so people wouldn’t have to fight with strangers (Created Quotes)
I - do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them. (Created Quotes)
The gospel moves us to see others as people created in God’s image and that can have a profound impact on people’s productivity and work satisfaction. (Created Quotes)
How was she created? I’m not sure if you realize this, but it was in God’s image. How can anybody dare to speak ill of something which bears such a noble imprint? (Created Quotes)
I’ve only covered a few songs because I feel that if you’re not going to go beyond the original artist in some way, then don’t disrespect what they created. (Created Quotes)
This organization is created to prevent you from going to hell. It isn’t created to take you to heaven. (Created Quotes)
What I try to do often when I’m acting and what I like when I’m seeing good acting is how authentic it is. How true is this to what I know of the world that’s been created for me? The ultimate test for me is, like, if I heard a clip of it on the radio, I’d like the audience not to know if I’m acting. (Created Quotes)
No one, good or evil, ceases to exist; life is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is recycled. (Created Quotes)
Good intentions often get muddled with very complex execution. The last time the government tried to make taxes easier, it created a 1040 EZ form with a 52-page help booklet. (Created Quotes)
China has created very good investment tools, including an entire network of very large funds. The Russian Private Investment Fund works with some of those funds, with China’s largest investment funds. (Created Quotes)
I don’t like indecent, unearned wealth. But it is legitimate for an entrepreneur who has created something to make a good living. (Created Quotes)
What’s been happening in Iraq, what young Americans wearing flak jackets, helmets and flight suits have done is... created the circumstances under which Iraq can become our closest ally in that part of the world and still have a representative government. And that’s going to be a very good thing considering what’s going on in that neighborhood. (Created Quotes)
The political class can’t imagine a decentralized world where good things happen...without them. But in the real world, that’s exactly how good things happen, and how jobs are created. When government sets simple rules that everyone understands and then gets out of the way, free people create jobs. (Created Quotes)
I’m not an economist and we all know economists were created to make weather forecasters look good. (Created Quotes)
Jobs are created in the private sector. Not by the president or the government unless they’re government jobs. (Created Quotes)
It’s created a very real chilling effect among our sources. They’ve become nervous about talking with us. They don’t want their phone numbers associated with us. And government employees who previously routinely talked to us, now won’t. (Created Quotes)
The federal government has never created one job that is sustainable long term. It creates government project work but not creating real work where people are. (Created Quotes)
When we get the private sector going through job creation and growth, then the governments at all level have revenues to do the things that they need to do. And that’s why it’s so important to get this economy moving, to get jobs created. We can’t keep going on with this anemic recovery. (Created Quotes)
I talked about the barriers created by monopolies. I said that it was the role of government to break up these monopolies and that we couldn’t do it alone. (Created Quotes)