Creation Quotes

Text Quotes
The collapse of the stellar universe will occur - like creation - in grandiose splendor (Creation Quotes)
It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe without the agency of a Supreme Being (Creation Quotes)
Had I been present at the creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe. (Creation Quotes)
The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can’t grasp them. There is a pattern in creation. (Creation Quotes)
The greatest work God ever performs was not the creation of the universe out of nothing, but is the new creation of saints out of sinners. (Creation Quotes)
Since I wasn’t consulted at the time of the creation of the world, I reserve for myself the right to have my own opinion about it. (Creation Quotes)
When a certain shameless fellow mockingly asked a pious old man what God had done before the creation of the world the latter aptly countered that he had been building hell for the curious. (Creation Quotes)
A woman is not an object of convinience; but a creation of Gods purpose (Creation Quotes)
The creation story is ridiculous garbage. And has given us a completely false picture of our origin as a species and the origins of the cosmos. If you want a good mythical story it would be the life of Socrates. (Creation Quotes)
Every character I’ve had in my act - none of them have a similar creation story. I actually thought up Peanut and designed him in my head. I described him to a woman that was making soft puppets and she drew up some sketches. And the character came to be just because he popped into my head. (Creation Quotes)
For the Greeks, there was no single canonical version of creation, but a number of overlapping stories. (Creation Quotes)
The newly released movie ‘Noah’ features a retelling of the creation story that clearly depicts Darwinian evolution transforming a single-cell organism into a monkey. The movie also seems to show magic in scenes more reminiscent of the occult than of the Bible story. (Creation Quotes)
We have built our identities in many respects based on the guilt-ridden stories we have been told about our creation. For women, it is a very damning knowledge to be portrayed as curious and careless seductresses. (Creation Quotes)
I was never raised with the traditional story of creation in religion, and because of that I think I had a lot of questions. And evolution, the evolutionary narrative, helped provide some of that for me. (Creation Quotes)
I think of myself as a writer who photographs. Images, for me, can be considered poems, short stories or essays. And I’ve always thought the best place for my photographs was inside books of my own creation. (Creation Quotes)
The story of Noah, like other stories in the first 11 chapters of Genesis, are archetypal. Noah’s story tells us that human beings have an inherent tendency towards violence both towards their fellow human beings and towards the creation itself. The story tells us that this violence grieves God. (Creation Quotes)
The story of the creation and similar things in it did not impress me very much, but on the contrary made me incline somewhat towards atheism. (Creation Quotes)
Appreciate the creation, respect the creator of it, and admire the source of all creativity (Creation Quotes)
The end of creation is that all things may return to the Creator and be united with Him (Creation Quotes)
The bliss of the Creator forever permeates all of creation, and it is only in the forgetting that misery exists. (Creation Quotes)
Creation is not a light-hearted game. The creator commits to a terrible adventure, which is to take up-on himself all of the dangers that his creatures run. (Creation Quotes)
Debt is a drag, a reality you may experience with every credit-card bill you open. But for a corporation or a government, it can be even more of a drag - on economic growth and job creation. (Creation Quotes)
In particular, I argue that in both evolution and creation we have rival religious responses to a crisis of faith-rival stories of origins, rival judgments about he meaning of human life, rival sets of moral dictates, and above all what theologians call rival eschatologies-pictures of the future and of what lies ahead for humankind. (Creation Quotes)
What is so incredible and essential about an authentic cultural scene is it rejects a value system based on consumption and productivity and instead celebrates creation, critical thought, aesthetics and expression. That can’t be mass marketed. (Creation Quotes)
Conformity can be costly in a world of uncertainty which requires innovative institutional creation because no one can know the right path to survival. Over time, the richer the cultural context in terms of providing multiple experimentation and creative competition, the more likely the successful survival of the society (Creation Quotes)
At the outset of the creation of the euro in 1999, it was expected that the southern eurozone economies would behave like those in the north; the Italians would behave like Germans. They didn’t. Instead, northern Europe fell into subsidizing southern Europe’s excess consumption, that is, its current account deficits. (Creation Quotes)
Current creation has exiled the turning wheel, and the same law of advancement makes the lady of today an alternate lady from her grandma. (Creation Quotes)
People listen to me, and they hear about a government they want, a government... that will cut spending, cut taxes, that will focus on private-sector job creation. (Creation Quotes)
It’s fun to look at people that are so good at acting that aren’t actors, like David Bowie creating a mystique about rock n’ roll. I’ve listened to ‘Ziggy Stardust’ as much as any rock n’ roll fan - I don’t really know what it’s about, but it sure is fun to think about David Bowie as this mad creation. (Creation Quotes)
We need rest not just so we feel better. We need rest for actual creation of what we’re going to need the next day. (Creation Quotes)