Creation Quotes

Text Quotes
God’s aim in human history is the creation of an inclusive community of loving persons, with himself included as its primary sustainer and most glorious inhabitant. (Creation Quotes)
. . .We are here to finish God’s labors. . .so that we could be His partners in completing the work of creation. (Creation Quotes)
I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of individuals, or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. (Creation Quotes)
God is both manifest as the Totality and Allness of Creation and simultaneously unmanifest as the Godhead, the Infinite Potentiality and source or ‘void-ness’ prior to form. (Creation Quotes)
All men bear the image of God. They have value not because they are redeemed, but because they are God’s creation in God’s image. (Creation Quotes)
Creation is the vocal chords of God speaking each day through the colors of the sunrise, the vastness of the night sky,the teeming of life in the ocean, the majesty of the mountains. (Creation Quotes)
Economics for Everybody’ begins with understanding God’s principles for organizing His creation and what that means for us as creatures and stewards. (Creation Quotes)
Joy and pleasure is at the end of the justice. A right understanding of who God is and who we are in His creation. (Creation Quotes)
For it was by the Will of God that men were made of a certain bodily shape, were given their natures and their faculties. Whoever destroys His work wages war against God’s Creation and God’s Will. (Creation Quotes)
It means that God’s Creation has not its source in any necessity; it comes from his fullness of joy; it is his love that creates, therefore in Creation is his own revealment. (Creation Quotes)
When you invent something, there will always be people to criticise. God’s creation is full of critics, but has God given up His creation because of the critics? (Creation Quotes)
Jews believe that people are creators, not consumers. The role of humans is to improve and perfect God’s creations through work, creation, and innovation. (Creation Quotes)
Only the most acute and active animals are capable of boredom. - A theme for a great poet would be God’s boredom on the seventh day of creation. (Creation Quotes)
I went to volcanoes where I knew that there was a lot of mythology around them; there was something like the creation of gods and monsters and demons. (Creation Quotes)
Take good care of creation. St. Francis wanted that. People occasionally forgive, but nature never does. If we don’t take care of the environment, there’s no way of getting around it. (Creation Quotes)
To terrify children with the image of hell... to consider women an inferior creation. Is that good for the world? (Creation Quotes)
To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation - is that good for the world? (Creation Quotes)
I think in most cases, if you’re with good people, comedy creation happens faster in collaboration. That’s how I can tell if it’s a good collaboration: If it’s faster than me by myself, then it works. If it’s slower than me by myself, then I get out of the room. (Creation Quotes)
For, if a good speaker, never so eloquent, does not see into the fact, and is not speaking the truth of that - is there a more horrid kind of object in creation? (Creation Quotes)
Economic progress and justice do not consist in superbly equalized destitution, but in the constant creation of more and more goods and services, of more and more wealth and income to be shared. (Creation Quotes)
If you remember the creation (gossip about such and such a person), then remember Allah the Most High. Remembering Him is the medicine for remembering His creation. (Creation Quotes)
Trusting the government with money creation is like trusting a drunk with a whiskey factory (Creation Quotes)
The White House doesn’t create jobs. The government together - White House, Congress - creates policies that allow for greater job creation. (Creation Quotes)
When we get the private sector going through job creation and growth, then the governments at all level have revenues to do the things that they need to do. And that’s why it’s so important to get this economy moving, to get jobs created. We can’t keep going on with this anemic recovery. (Creation Quotes)
The Muslim Brotherhood, or ‘the Brotherhood’ for short, is an Islamic group founded in Egypt in 1928. It has been pursuing a secret campaign to take over the government since its creation. (Creation Quotes)
If start-up activity is the true engine of job creation in America, one thing is clear: our current educational system is acting as the brakes. Simply put, from kindergarten through undergraduate and grad school, you learn very few skills or attitudes that would ever help you start a business. (Creation Quotes)
It is an extraordinary and beautiful thing that God, in creation. . . works with the beauty of matter; the reality of things; the discoveries of the senses, all five of them; so that we, in turn, may hear the grass growing; see a face springing to life in love and laughter. . . The offerings of creation. . . our glimpses of truth. (Creation Quotes)
If you do believe in God, and your first instinct in all things must be gratitude: for creation, or love, for mercy. (Creation Quotes)
The universe and all creation are there for you to connect your spirit to and you are special part of the whole. If you can sense the wonder of the vast infinite and eternal universe, your spirit will be lifted to great heights and you will tap the source of your life energy. (Creation Quotes)
It’s a great question about what is our mind. Undoubtedly a creation of our brain. (Creation Quotes)