Creativity Quotes

Text Quotes
The controlled chaos is one way to get creativity. The intensity of it, the physical rush, the intimacy created the kind of dialogue that leads to synergy (Creativity Quotes)
The biggest bursts of speciation that we know about in the history of the earth are soon after great cataclysms, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, which create new opportunities, and all sorts of new forms spring up... So, quite often, the reasons for creativity depend on accidents or disasters that prevent the normal habits being carried out (Creativity Quotes)
Creativity gives new forms, new patterns, new ideas, new art forms. And we don’t know where creativity comes from. Is it inspired from above? Welling up from below? Picked up from the air? What? Creativity is a mystery wherever you encounter it (Creativity Quotes)
One visit with a child can supply us with enough creativity dust to last for a lifetime... Visit with children like you’re the child you ought to be more often (Creativity Quotes)
Revealing secrets can bring us pain or get us into trouble, but worse pain and worse trouble await us if we keep silent...Revealing secrets can bring us pain or get us into trouble, but worse pain and worse trouble await us if we keep silent? we become habitually untruthful. The door to our creativity closes. gr we become habitually untruthful. The door to our creativity closes (Creativity Quotes)
To obsess too virulently is to walk alone in anxiety. But to obsess too little is to wall oneself off from one’s own creativity (Creativity Quotes)
Creativity is dynamic, it asserts life, frees the human spirit, conquers mental lassitude and illness, and makes real the outrageous potential of the universal imagination (Creativity Quotes)
Creativity healed me. I don’t know that I could think of any word that I get more inspired by than the word healing (Creativity Quotes)
The positive thinker, on the contrary, constantly sends out positive thoughts, together with vital mental images of hope, optimism and creativity. He therefore activates the world around him positively and strongly tends to draw back to himself positive results. This, too, is a basic law of mind action (Creativity Quotes)
I’m one of the few people who understands how producing technology requires intuition and creativity, and how producing something artistic takes real discipline (Creativity Quotes)
As we get older, we tend to become more risk averse because we tend to find reasons why things wont work. When you are a kid, you think everything is possible, and I think with creativity it is so important to keep that naivety (Creativity Quotes)
Quantum physics is the physics of possibilities. And not just material possibilities, but also possibilities of meaning, of feeling, and of intuiting. You choose everything you experience from these possibilities, so quantum physics is a way of understanding your life as one long series of choices that are in themselves the ultimate acts of creativity (Creativity Quotes)
It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts (Creativity Quotes)
The world in general disapproves of creativity, and to be creative in public is particularly bad. Even to speculate in public is rather worrisome (Creativity Quotes)
There’s no such thing as a lost cause, or a dead end. Through persistence, attitude, and creativity, there’s always an escape route (Creativity Quotes)
Paranoia imposes its own vision on the external world; it differs from other kinds of visionary experience in that the paranoid wants others to share his view-even insists on it. Paranoia is very like poetic creativity. This accounts for my fascination with certain people in whom this state of mind was evident: ‘characters’ met by chance, whose words and gestures would haunt me for years until, finally, in a poem I was able to dispel them (Creativity Quotes)
There is something wonderful about singing and writing music, I think there is something special about creativity and the ability humans have in that area (Creativity Quotes)
The first ingredient to being wrong is to claim that you are right. Geniuses have a knack for raising new questions. Hence by the public they are either admired for their creativity or, even more commonly so, detested for disturbing the daily peace of mind (Creativity Quotes)
When you aren’t satisfied with what has already been done, make something better. That is the greatest responsibility and the true freedom of creativity. The freedom is in that it doesn’t need to complain (Creativity Quotes)
Creativity is the highest form of intelligence. Over time, after developing a more advanced creative brain, I started feeling that my college education was more so something to be ashamed of rather than something to be proud of (Creativity Quotes)
There is no objective reality. But there is only an illusion of consciousness, there is only an objectivication of reality, which was created by the spirit. The origin of life is creativity, freedom; and the personality, subject, and spirit are the representatives of that origin, but not the nature, not the object (Creativity Quotes)
Human creativity is unlimited. It is the capacity of humans to make things happen which didn’t happen before. Creativity provides the key to solving our social and economic problems (Creativity Quotes)
Man owes his success to his creativity. No one doubts the need for it. It is most useful in good times and essential in bad (Creativity Quotes)
Writers who drew, they all seemed to draw the same way. They managed to keep that childlike creativity in their line (Creativity Quotes)
Contradictions if well understood and managed can spark off the fires of invention. Orthodoxy whether of the right or of the left is the graveyard of creativity (Creativity Quotes)
If I knew where creativity came from, I’d probably be a lot less stressed about coming up with new stories (Creativity Quotes)
The one thing that cannot be outsourced is creativity. We have to find ways to support creative people because the only way we are going to improve our laws... is by creating our way out of it (Creativity Quotes)
Creativity depends on a number of things: experience, including knowledge and technical skills; talent; an ability to think in new ways; and the capacity to push through uncreative dry spells (Creativity Quotes)
People are the least creative when fighting the clock... Time pressure stifles creativity because people can’t deeply engage with the problem (Creativity Quotes)
I am severely dyslexic, so I’m not the person who can do a lot of typing, writing and mathematics. I don’t excel in anything except in things that had to do with creativity and things with my hands. I like to build things and take things apart (Creativity Quotes)