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Cricket Quotes

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Cricket has become more popular, not me... When the game grows, those who’ve played it also ‘grow.’  (Cricket Quotes) Most Americans think Abner Doubleday invented the game but he had little or nothing to do with cricket.  (Cricket Quotes) Isn’t cricket supposed to be a team sport? I feel people should decide first whether cricket is a team game or an individual sport.  (Cricket Quotes) In the game of cricket, a hero is a person who respects the game and does not corrupt the game. The one who doesn’t or corrupts the game, they are the villain. They should be punished, and they have been punished in the past.  (Cricket Quotes) There are fans of Twenty20 cricket, and we need to ensure that we give them the cricket they want to see. We need to keep Test cricket alive, because there is a section of fans who love and worship Test cricket and have basically helped this game grow, and they are as important as anybody else.  (Cricket Quotes) Cricket is the only game that you can actually put on weight when playing  (Cricket Quotes) Cricket is the only game where you are playing against eleven of the other side and ten of your own.  (Cricket Quotes) Indians are great lovers of cricket, they have always been that as far as I can remember - great followers of the game and have knowledge about the game.  (Cricket Quotes) Despite recent sad developments, cricket will survive and remain our most noble game and I shall always remain proud of the part I played in its history and development  (Cricket Quotes) A chance, as a coach, to take a team to the World Cup finals is probably as high up the tree as it gets, certainly with one-day cricket.  (Cricket Quotes) I thought about cricket a lot. I needed to get out of this bubble of mine. I found it in books and conversations with other people about other things. I was a curious person, and this was my release. I like being challenged intellectually. I hated at the end of the day to talk cricket to someone else.  (Cricket Quotes) I was good at football and cricket at school. My dad said, ‘Son, be an architect,’ and I came to Melbourne passionate about becoming an architect.  (Cricket Quotes) I am very emotional. It took me many years to recover from the death of my father. Even when I was playing cricket, I wasn’t happy. I would just sit and cry. I was very young. He was too young; he shouldn’t have gone. Cricket is all right. We all play sport. Good and bad days come.  (Cricket Quotes) In cricket, my superhero is Sachin Tendulkar. He has always been my hero and will continue to remain so. Apart from him and outside cricket, my mother has remained my inspiration. Whatever difficult time I had faced, she was always there for me. She has given me all the strength. She maintained her composure and supported me in tough times.  (Cricket Quotes) I think we judge talent wrong. What do we see as talent? I think I have made the same mistake myself. We judge talent by people’s ability to strike a cricket ball. The sweetness, the timing. That’s the only thing we see as talent. Things like determination, courage, discipline, temperament, these are also talent.  (Cricket Quotes) At the moment, we don’t deserve international cricket in our country. The security situation is poor here.  (Cricket Quotes) I was lucky in my early years to play for a Karnataka team that was trying to forge itself into a strong side, and they were years of fun and learning. In the Indian team, I was fortunate to be part of a wonderful era when India played some of its finest cricket at home and abroad.  (Cricket Quotes) If you play cricket for India, money is bound to come, and with IPL in and match money of the Ranjhi trophy, I think money is there. There’s no good reason why you should not work hard, because at the end of the day, you want to play for your country.  (Cricket Quotes) I used to spend countless days in my teenage years keeping scorecards, playing cricket and just enjoying myself with friends and having the occasional shandy in the bar.  (Cricket Quotes) One of my theories is to be captain on the field and off the field, you need to totally enjoy each other’s company. I don’t like discussing cricket off the field.  (Cricket Quotes) To me, it doesn’t matter how good you are. Sport is all about playing and competing. Whatever you do in cricket and in sport, enjoy it, be positive and try to win.  (Cricket Quotes) I am just enjoying what cricket has given me. In sports, it’s obviously really important for all of us to remain fit - and health is wealth, so health comes with the sport.  (Cricket Quotes) My favorite place in L.A. is Manhattan Beach. It’s an intimate, friendly little beachside city within a city-smaller than most of its neighbors, so it reminds me of a British seaside resort. If my three teenage sons are in town, we’ll play some cricket on the flat, hard sand where the water breaks, just to really confuse the locals!  (Cricket Quotes) I don’t study cricket too much. Whatever I have learned or experienced is through cricket I’ve played on the field, and whatever little I have watched.  (Cricket Quotes) Equally, though, there are guys who play England Under 19 who don’t even play First Class cricket. It is a watershed in the careers in many ways.  (Cricket Quotes) When I was 15, I started playing first class cricket and always dreamt of being a Test cricketer, wanted to do something for the country, married in 1995, have 2 kids it’s been great.  (Cricket Quotes) I hate losing and cricket being my first love, once I enter the ground it’s a different zone altogether and that hunger for winning is always there.  (Cricket Quotes) My priority is cricket. Everything that I get apart from it is a result of the effort on the field. Everything else follows. I am pretty aware of my priorities, and I don’t really focus on things that are not as important to me as cricket.  (Cricket Quotes) Any active sportsman has to be very focused; you’ve got to be in the right frame of mind. If your energy is diverted in various directions, you do not achieve the results. I need to know when to switch on and switch off: and the rest of the things happen around that. Cricket is in the foreground, the rest is in the background.  (Cricket Quotes) Norm Smith personally came and signed me up to the Melbourne Football Club. The fact that I then played cricket for Melbourne Cricket Club - the footy club didn’t like it that much.  (Cricket Quotes)
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