Crime Quotes

Text Quotes
In my view, aiming at simplicity and lucidity is a moral duty of all intellectuals: lack of clarity is a sin, and pretentiousness is a crime (Crime Quotes)
Every murder or other injury, no matter for what cause, committed or inflicted on another is a crime against humanity (Crime Quotes)
The mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of the civilisation of any country (Crime Quotes)
Crime is redeemed by remorse, but not by a blow of the axe or slipknot. Blood has to be washed by tears but not by blood (Crime Quotes)
There is no greater crime than to stand between a man and his development; to take any law or institution and put it around him like a collar, and fasten it there, so that as he grows and enlarges, he presses against it till he suffocates and dies (Crime Quotes)
We reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime (Crime Quotes)
I know of no crime that has not been defended by the church, in one form or other. The church is not a pioneer; it accepts a new truth, last of all, and only when denial has become useless (Crime Quotes)
The difference between a crime of evil and a crime of illness is the difference between a sin and a symptom (Crime Quotes)
In the face of this approaching disaster, it behooves men and women not yet overcome by war madness to raise their voice of protest, to call the attention of the people to the crime and outrage which are about to be perpetrated on them (Crime Quotes)
The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a crime forgotten, forgotten because it was properly done (Crime Quotes)
Successful crime is dignified with the name of virtue; the good become the slaves of the wicked; might makes right; fear silences the power of the law (Crime Quotes)
We talk about civilization as though it’s a static state. There are no civilized people yet, it’s a process that’s constantly going on... As long as you have war, police, prisons, crime, you are in the early stages of civilization (Crime Quotes)
Crime too is a form of solitude, even if one thousand get together to commit it. And it is right for me to die alone, after having lived and killed alone (Crime Quotes)
Really, what we want now, is not laws against crime, but a law against insanity. That is where the true evil lies (Crime Quotes)
As long as you have war, police, prisons, crime, you are in the early stages of civilization (Crime Quotes)
To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts (Crime Quotes)
All we can do is adapt the way we view this condition, not as a crime or a romantic affectation but as a disease that will kill. We need to review the way society treats addicts, not as criminals but as sick people in need of care (Crime Quotes)
The crime which bankrupts men and nations is that of turning aside from one’s main purpose to serve a job here and there (Crime Quotes)
I’m a fast writer, and crime novels are easy to do. It’s much harder to write a 1,000 word article, where everything has to be 100 per cent correct (Crime Quotes)
The policy of seeking values from human beings by means of force, when practiced by an individual, is called crime. When practiced by a government, it is called statism (Crime Quotes)
Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. We must unite our efforts to free victims and stop this crime that’s become ever more aggressive, that threatens not just individuals, but the foundational values of society (Crime Quotes)
Imprisonment, as it exists today, is a worse crime than any of those committed by its victims (Crime Quotes)
There is no such crime as a crime of thought; there are only crimes of action (Crime Quotes)
I worked out an anarchistic theory that all government is evil, that the punishment always does more harm than the crime and the people can be trusted to behave decently if you will only let them alone (Crime Quotes)
Punishment is but legalized crime. In a society built on prevention, rather than retaliation, there would be very little crime. The few exceptions will be treated medically, as of unsound mind and body (Crime Quotes)
Racism is a human problem and a crime that is absolutely so ghastly that a person who is fighting racism is well within his rights to fight against it by any means necessary until it is eliminated (Crime Quotes)
The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult it is to bring it home (Crime Quotes)
How accurately can the law fix the crime? There has to be a mechanism for very fast action. The law is like this: catch them and punish them (Crime Quotes)
We’re living in times where men commit crimes and crime don’t have a face (Crime Quotes)
For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists. Why? Because the instincts that are warring in man are not, as the law claims, constant forces in a state of equilibrium (Crime Quotes)