Crime Quotes

Text Quotes
A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this - that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made - not to understand - but to feel - as crime. (Crime Quotes)
I don’t believe in the term ‘guilty pleasure,’ because it implies I should feel ashamed for liking something. A real guilty pleasure would be, I don’t know, taking gratification in some stranger’s ghastly death or something - which I guess I do enjoy, because I read a ton of true crime. (Crime Quotes)
Statistics has been the handmaid of science, and has poured a flood of light upon the dark questions of famine and pestilence, ignorance and crime, disease and death. (Crime Quotes)
In the 1970s, New York City defaulted on its debt, and yes, the consequences were painful. Enrollment plummeted at City University campuses, which until then had offered free education. Seven thousand police officers were laid off. Crime skyrocketed. Services for the poor disappeared. (Crime Quotes)
Sharing music is not a crime. It shouldn’t be. There should be a deeper meaning to making music than just selling downloads. (Crime Quotes)
I want to again highlight the desperate need for us to pull together - the world over - to tackle knife crime and teach everyone how sacred a life is. (Crime Quotes)
Giving a 10-year mandatory minimum for a second offense fist fight is not going to reduce the chance that someone will be stabbed 16 times when you are not funding any of the programs that are desperately needed to actually reduce juvenile crime. (Crime Quotes)
The English tradition offers the great tapestry novel, where you have the emotional aspect of a detective’s personal life, the circumstances of the crime and, most important, the atmosphere of the English countryside that functions as another character. (Crime Quotes)
The best crime novels are not about how a detective works on a case; they are about how a case works on a detective. (Crime Quotes)
Money comes to Switzerland through three illegal sources: tax evasion in other developed countries, the blood money of dictators and other rulers in the Third World and organized crime. (Crime Quotes)
Any society where it’s a crime or a hassle to be different is a society based on psychological fascism. (Crime Quotes)
Every villain in the DC Universe wants something different, and not all of them want to rule the world. Or at least, not all of them want to rule the world in the way the Crime Syndicate do. (Crime Quotes)
If the future generation has a difficult life, if they engage in war or commit crime it’s not their fault, it’s our fault because we fail to educate them. So responsibility resides on me, on us, to educate them in proper ways. (Crime Quotes)
Many police departments still use DNA evidence the way they have used fingerprints and tire tracks: to determine whether a suspect committed the crime. (Crime Quotes)
This is not love. It is a crime... You can’t look the other way just because you have not experienced domestic violence with your own flesh. (Crime Quotes)
If you are ever going to lie, you go to jail for the lie rather than the crime. So believe me, don’t ever lie. (Crime Quotes)
I will never have a drink and get behind the wheel of a car. It’s not illegal to drink and drive, but there becomes a certain point where it does become a crime. (Crime Quotes)
I didn’t want to give up my Illinois driver’s license and was unaware that was a crime. It is, by the way, in the state of California. Lesson learned. I technically broke a law, so technically I deserve whatever I get. (Crime Quotes)
You have a guy like Bernie Madoff literally steal $80 billion, you know, AIG steal hundreds of billions, Goldman Sachs. Crime has changed so much, and to really do a movie with, like, drug dealers or drug smugglers is kind of almost quaint at this point. (Crime Quotes)
By bringing about a rational drug policy, we’d be freeing up a lot of resources for real crime. Drug disputes would get played out with courts rather than with guns. So it would make this country a much better place overnight. (Crime Quotes)
I am looking forward to a series of productive meetings in both Austria and Estonia, particularly what role organized crime plays in the Baltic drug trade. (Crime Quotes)
The War on Drugs has failed, but it’s worse than that. It is actively harming our society. Violent crime is thriving in the shadows to which the drug trade has been consigned. People who genuinely need help can’t get it. Neither can people who need medical marijuana to treat terrible diseases. We are spending billions, filling up our prisons with non-violent offenders and sacrificing our liberties. (Crime Quotes)
You have got to make sure there’s due process for somebody that’s accused of a crime. You’ve got make sure they’re safe. (Crime Quotes)
If you can look at a crime where everything points to one answer and not see it, you’re a dumb-ass. And if you can look at the deficit and not see that the problem is that the rich stopped paying taxes, you’re a Republican. (Crime Quotes)
When you look at where the real problems are among minorities in our society, particularly blacks, it’s at the bottom. It’s the people who are in school systems that don’t educate, neighborhoods where there is a lot of crime, drugs, the whole bit. (Crime Quotes)
It’s just a crime that people don’t take the time and make the effort to have a conversation if it’s bothering them that much. (Crime Quotes)
Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. (Crime Quotes)
I had wanted to write English crime novels based on the American hard-boiled style, and for the first two novels about Brixton, the critics didn’t actually know I was Irish. (Crime Quotes)
I think I’ve committed the one really bad English crime, which is I’ve risen above my station. I was supposed to be a pop star, and suddenly I’m claiming that I’m an artist of some kind. (Crime Quotes)
I used to enjoy reading true crime, but I’ve discovered that I don’t have the journalism nose for blood. (Crime Quotes)