Criticize Quotes

Text Quotes
We criticize and separate ourselves from the process. We’ve got to jump right in there with both feet (Criticize Quotes)
I live in a world where there’s magazines and blogs, and people feel like they are allowed to criticize me, and in the meanest way (Criticize Quotes)
It’s strange how men feel they have the right to criticize a woman’s appearance to her face (Criticize Quotes)
The best attitude to take toward back talk is to reach out and embrace it with love, compassion, and understanding. No need to criticize it for its shortcomings or to waste time in recriminations. Just give a loving nod and a hug to any back talk you get, and move on to the joyful creation of your fulfilled life (Criticize Quotes)
Is it too much to expect from the schools that they train their students not only to interpret but to criticize; that is, to discriminate what is sound from error and falsehood, to suspend judgement if they are not convinced, or to judge with reason if they agree or disagree? (Criticize Quotes)
I want to love you without clutching, appreciate you without judging, join you without invading, invite you without demanding, leave you without guilt, criticize you without blaming, and help you without insulting. If I can have the same from you, then we can truly meet and enrich each other (Criticize Quotes)
People tend to criticize their spouse most loudly in the area where they themselves have the deepest emotional need (Criticize Quotes)
You look like the type of people who would criticize a misspelling in a suicide note (Criticize Quotes)
It takes less courage to criticize the decisions of others than to stand by your own (Criticize Quotes)
Nothing enrages me more than when people criticize my criticism of school by telling me that schools are not just places to learn maths and spelling, they are places where children learn a vaguely defined thing called socialization... I think schools generally do an effective and terribly damaging job of teaching children to be infantile, dependent, intellectually dishonest, passive and disrespectful to their own developmental capacities (Criticize Quotes)
They can crack jokes. They can sit back and analyze and criticize and make all the fun they want. But I’m living my life, I’m doing it. What are you doing? (Criticize Quotes)
You guys just here to blame someone. You never look yourselves in the mirror, eh? You’re always good. You never make the mistakes. Your articles are always perfect. In reality, what have you done for this city? If you ask yourself, what have you done besides only criticize? Not much (Criticize Quotes)
All you’ll get from strangers is surface pleasantry or indifference. Only someone who loves you will criticize you (Criticize Quotes)
I couldn’t stand in front of any camera, and I couldn’t go to places where there were a lot of people. I thought people would criticize me if I smiled, or even if I just stayed still (Criticize Quotes)
People often criticize my films for being pessimistic; there are certainly many reasons for being pessimistic but I don’t see my films that way. They’re founded in the belief that revolution doesn’t belong on the cinema screen but outside in the world. Never mind if a film ends pessimistically but exposes certain mechanisms clearly enough to show people how they work and the ultimate effect is not pessimistic. My goal is to reveal such mechanisms in a way that makes people realize the necessity of changing their own reality (Criticize Quotes)
I don’t believe that a reviewer or a critic can really criticize well unless he can praise well (Criticize Quotes)
For some reason, we are truly convinced that if we criticize ourselves, the criticism will lead to change. If we are harsh, we believe we will end up being kind. If we shame ourselves, we believe we end up loving ourselves. It has never been true, not for a moment, that shame leads to love. Only love leads to love (Criticize Quotes)
Rather than put ourselves down continually, we must work hard to concentrate on our positives, focusing on that which makes us unique and likable. We all have things that we would change if we could. Even people who we think have it all, don’t. Nobody has it all because no one is perfect. We all realize this and yet continue to criticize and insult ourselves. Now is the time to stop this nonsense! Change what you can change and accept the rest as a necessary part of your own unique humanity. Make peace with who you are (Criticize Quotes)
The greatest barrier to own own healing is not the pain, sorrow or violence inflicted upon us as children. Our greatest hindrance is our ongoing capacity to judge, to criticize, and to bring tremendous harm to ourselves. If we can harden our heart against ourselves and meet our most tender feelings with anger and condemnation, we simultaneously armor our heart against the possibility of gentleness, love and healing (Criticize Quotes)
If there were any people safe to criticize, they’d be politicians and child molesters, doncha think? (Criticize Quotes)
A person who has spoiled his stomach will criticize his meal saying that the food is bad; the same thing happens with people who are not satisfied with their lives (Criticize Quotes)
If you criticize what you’re doing too early you’ll never write the first line (Criticize Quotes)
You can criticize yourself to a point to do something better, or you criticize yourself to a point where you inhibit yourself (Criticize Quotes)
One does not have the right to criticize until he can do the same work without being criticized (Criticize Quotes)
Fight less, cuddle more. Demand less, serve more. Text less, talk more. Criticize less, compliment more. Stress less, laugh more. worry less, pray more. With each new day, find new ways to love each other even more (Criticize Quotes)
I have no doubt that over the years my children will find plenty of things about me to criticize. But something tells me that twenty years from now not one of them will sit on some therapist’s couch complaining because their mother didn’t spend enough time vacuuming up glitter (Criticize Quotes)
When people criticize me for not having any respect for existing structures and institutions, I protest. I say I give institutions and structures and traditions all the respect that I think they deserve. That’s usually mighty little, but there are things that I do respect. They have to earn that respect. They have to earn it by serving people. They don’t earn it just by age or legality or tradition (Criticize Quotes)
Anyone can criticize or accept praise, but initiating a positive exchange is a hallmark of a difference maker (Criticize Quotes)
Do not criticize any other martial arts or speak ill of others, as it will surely come back to you. The mountain does not laugh at the river because it is lowly, nor does the river speak ill of the mountain because it can not move (Criticize Quotes)
Never be too quick to criticize yourself. It’s not fair to all of your friends and relatives, who are dying to do it for you (Criticize Quotes)