Critics Quotes

Text Quotes
Would it be nice to win a film award one day? Yes. But the critics are going to have to wait till I’m ready. Right now, my gift is making big movies that audiences want to see. (Critics Quotes)
For critics, as they are birds of prey, have ever a natural inclination to carrion (Critics Quotes)
You never want to sound bitter about critics, because they’re entitled to do their job, too, but I place much more trust in a person who I can look in the eye and someone who I know I share some kind of taste with - so my friends, for instance. For me, a critic is unknown and therefore irrelevant. (Critics Quotes)
All critics have the responsibility to tease out the social ideas and social problems in a movie. I don’t feel an obligation to do that because I’m black. (Critics Quotes)
I was so ordinary, critics couldn’t understand it, but looking back, that was the reason for my success. What you see is what you get. People thought, ‘I could do that.’ (Critics Quotes)
A baby is such a blank slate, like training the understudy for a role you’re planning to leave. You truly hope your replacement will do the play justice, but in secret you want future critics to say you played the character better. (Critics Quotes)
Girls’ inner critics are starting to reveal themselves at a younger and younger age. And body image issues are an aspect of their lives which is causing them low self esteem and day-to-day suffering. (Critics Quotes)
The vehemence with which certain critics have chosen not simply to criticize what I’ve written, but to challenge my writing this story at all, speaks of what the book is about: fear of disapproval. (Critics Quotes)
When I’m writing, I am lost in my book. Except family and close friends, I don’t care about what critics, publishers or readers might think. (Critics Quotes)
Don’t let anyone discourage you from writing. If you become a professional writer, there are plenty of editors, reviewers, critics, and book buyers to do that. (Critics Quotes)
I have argued about the future of fiction with jaded novelists, far-seeing postmodernists, technologists, television critics. The argument that future generations will not know the pleasures of the novel has been a staple of book reviewing since at least 1960. (Critics Quotes)
You don’t want to dwell on your enemies, you know. I basically feel so superior to my critics for the simple reason that they haven’t done what I do. Most book reviewers haven’t written 11 novels. Many of them haven’t written one. (Critics Quotes)
The best critics do not worry about what the author might think. That would be like a detective worrying about what a suspect might think. Instead, they treat the reader as an intelligent friend, and describe the book as honestly, and as entertainingly, as possible. (Critics Quotes)
When I started blogging in 2004, I responded to every comment no matter how nasty the reader was. I was generally polite, believing that these critics would be so charmed by my professionalism that they would see the error of their misogynist ways and swiftly run out to read a bell hooks book. Ha! (Critics Quotes)
What’s happening to movie critics is no different from what has been meted out to book, dance, theater, and fine-arts reviewers and reporters in the cultural deforestation that has driven refugees into the diffuse clatter of the Internet and Twitter, where some adapt and thrive - such as Roger Ebert - while others disappear without a twinkle. (Critics Quotes)
What with the reviews of critics, the sarcasms of one’s friends, the reproaches of one’s own taste, there’s precious little peace after publishing a book ... (Critics Quotes)
If you put a pink cover on something, critics make a certain set of assumptions and may not even read the book. But my readers are happy with it. (Critics Quotes)
Critics and academics often employ theories and philosophers in order to help them understand and dissect movies and books. (Critics Quotes)
So how critics will perceive your film or your work, or whether your movie is going to make $100 million at the box office, or whether you are going to be winning any awards - well, you have no control over that. (Critics Quotes)
Whatever negative things people think and say about you is enough to bring you down provided you belief that it carries a weight that can push you hard. Don’t agree to accept what critics say; be prepared to silence them by doing what they think you can’t do! (Critics Quotes)
Along with my peers, I gripe about the increasing number of superhero films, and I’m sad that so many critics so uncritically use words like franchise, which should be reserved for your local Burger King. (Critics Quotes)
The more we refuse to buy into our inner critics - and our external ones too - the easier it will get to have confidence in our choices, and to feel comfortable with who we are - as women and as mothers. (Critics Quotes)
During my military service, I performed a sketch in which I played a flea called Max. So when critics kept misspelling my name, I decided to change it and thought, ‘Ah! Max!’ (Critics Quotes)
Critics might contend that putting former private-sector CEOs in the president’s Cabinet places the fox in the henhouse. But it’s unlikely such executives would expose themselves to the headaches if they weren’t genuinely motivated by the call to service. (Critics Quotes)
Reversing the escalation of health care costs is going to need more than legislation, yet it can be done without imposing rationing, as critics of reform fear. (Critics Quotes)
I care very much what the fans think. I’m starting to loosen my grip on caring about what critics say, because I think that critics care about what fans think of them, too, so there’s a little bit of a refraction there, through that glass. (Critics Quotes)
Oh, stuff the critics. I don’t care. Too many people are snooty about classical. Look, I wasn’t brought up in a home where we listened to classical music. It was a singing teacher that thought it would be best for my voice. Then I moved into crossover. And if that makes the music accessible to more people, then great. (Critics Quotes)
Critics get a little carried away with what someone should have done, rather than what he did (Critics Quotes)
Critics have their purposes, and they’re supposed to do what they do, but sometimes they get a little carried away with what they think someone should have done, rather than concerning themselves with what they did. (Critics Quotes)
Religion must be considered vindicated in a certain way from the attacks of her critics (Critics Quotes)