Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes

Text Quotes
With respect to the death penalty, I believe that a majority of the Supreme Court will one day accept that when the state punishes with death, it denies the humanity and dignity of the victim and transgresses the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. That day will be a great day for our country, for it will be a great day for our Constitution (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
Back in pre-Revolutionary America cruel and unusual punishment meant the rack and burning at the stake... in more recent rulings it has been taken to mean the absence of cable television and denial of sex-change operations, or just overcrowding in the prisons (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
[B]y requiring that an execution be relatively painless, we necessarily protect the inmate from enduring any punishment that is comparable to the suffering inflicted on his victim. This trend, while appropriate and required by the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment, actually undermines the very premise on which public approval of the retribution rationale is based (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
We either believe in the dignity of the individual, the rule of law, and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, or we don’t. There is no middle ground. (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
The government considers the aborting of innocent unborn children a natural right. Yet, there is widespread debate still about whether the death penalty for convicted murderers is cruel and unusual punishment. (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
By creating false environment of a war on drugs, and cruel and unusual punishment with these crimes, 50% of our U.S. population is in jail without having hurt anybody, mostly for drugs. (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
He had done regular live concerts from San Quentin jail until the civil rights people got him under the Cruel and Unusual Punishment clause. (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
We either believe in the dignity of the individual, the rule of law, and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, or we don’t. There is no middle ground (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)
Today the Internal Revenue Code constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. A flat tax would be an enormous step forward (Cruel And Unusual Punishment Quotes)