Cruel Quotes

Text Quotes
It is from the Bible that man has learned cruelty, rapine, and murder; for the belief of a cruel God makes a cruel man (Cruel Quotes)
In the country one sees only nature's fair works, and one's soul is not saddened by the cruel struggle for mere existence that goes on in the crowded city (Cruel Quotes)
Luck doesn't shine her light on each of us equally. She is arbitrary, irrational, unfair and sometimes downright cruel (Cruel Quotes)
A mermaid found a swimming lad, picked him up for her own, pressed her body to his body, laughed; and plunging down forgot in cruel happiness that even lovers drown (Cruel Quotes)
It had taken her a good deal of time before she believed that she was worth all that fierce affection he lavished upon her. To have it stolen away unjustly was that much more cruel (Cruel Quotes)
Every human being has a right to hear what other wise human beings have spoken to him. It is one of the Rights of Men; a very cruel injustice if you deny it to a man! (Cruel Quotes)
I loved Aphrodite from the first and steeped myself in her legends. My mother told me that in ancient times her rituals were bloody and cruel, but I only half believed it (Cruel Quotes)
Fate, at first so amenable, so reasonable, so open to negotiation, ends up by exacting a cruel revenge for happiness (Cruel Quotes)
Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes and happy endings and the way things should be. In real life, bad things happen. People die. Fights are lost. Evil often wins (Cruel Quotes)
I am certain no one sets out to be cruel, but our treatment of the elderly ill seems to have no philosophy to it. As a society, we should establish whether we have a policy of life at any cost (Cruel Quotes)
The greater the state, the more wrong and cruel its patriotism, and the greater is the sum of suffering upon which its power is founded (Cruel Quotes)
In Troy there likes the scene. From isles of Greece the princes orgulous, their high blood chafed, have to the port of Athens sent their ships, fraught with the ministers and instruments of cruel war (Cruel Quotes)
The history of our country is cruel. We have to face those issues or, should I say, we had to. Not anymore I hope, because we are going in the right direction, and we are ready to forgive, ready to move on (Cruel Quotes)
I feel like the people from Iceland have a different relationship with their country than other places. Most Icelandic people are really proud to be from there, and we don't have embarrassments like World War II where we were cruel to other people (Cruel Quotes)
There is no such thing as an omen. Destiny does not send us heralds. She is too wise or too cruel for that (Cruel Quotes)
Unwind my riddle. Cruel as hawks the hours fly; Wounded men seldom come home to die; the hard waves see an arm flung high; Scorn hits strong because of a lie; Yet there exists a mystic tie. Unwind my riddle (Cruel Quotes)
Do you know how cruel your God can be, david. How fantastically cruel?... Sometimes he makes us live (Cruel Quotes)
Jon could not find it in him to pray to any gods, old or new. If they were real, he thought, they were as cruel and implacable as winter (Cruel Quotes)
I know that war is very cruel and that life is harder when you aren't able to live in the place you called home (Cruel Quotes)
All religions are cruel, all founded on blood; for all rest principally on the idea of sacrifice - that is, on the perpetual immolation of humanity to the insatiable vengeance of divinity (Cruel Quotes)
It is quite cruel that a poet cannot wander through his regions of enchantment without having a critic, forever, like the old man of the sea, upon his back (Cruel Quotes)
And you, enchantment, worthy enough a herdsman - yea, him too, that makes himself, but for our honor therein, unworthy thee - if ever henceforth thou these rural latches to his entrance open, or hoop his body more with thy embraces, I will devise a death as cruel for thee as thou art tender to't (Cruel Quotes)
Follow thy drum; with man's blood paint the ground, gules, gules! Religious canons, civil laws are cruel; then what should war be? This fell whore of thine Hath in her more destruction than thy sword For all her cherubin look (Cruel Quotes)
Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth and delves the parallels in beauty's brow, feeds on the rarities of nature's truth, and nothing stands but for his scythe to mow: and yet to times in hope my verse shall stand, praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand (Cruel Quotes)
Journalists, especially English journalists, were very cruel to me. They said I only knew three chords when I knew five! (Cruel Quotes)
The real tragedy of human existence is not that we are nasty by nature, but that a cruel structural asymmetry grants to rare events of meanness such power to shape our history (Cruel Quotes)
Men are almost always cruel in their neighbors' faults; and make others' overthrow the badge of their own ill masked virtue (Cruel Quotes)
In one consort there sat cruel revenge and rancorous despite, disloyal treason and heart burning hate (Cruel Quotes)
No obligation to justice does force a man to be cruel, or to use the sharpest sentence (Cruel Quotes)
I felt suddenly cruel, like i´d told dmall children there was no tooth fairy, that it was just their mom sneaking into their room after they went to bed (Cruel Quotes)