Cry Quotes

Text Quotes
It is only that my illusion is more real to me than reality. And so do we often build our world on an error, and cry out that the universe is falling to pieces, if any one but lift a finger to replace the error by truth (Cry Quotes)
Poetry, plays, novels, music, they are the cry of the human spirit trying to understand itself and make sense of our world (Cry Quotes)
Ballet is not just movement, not simply abstract. It’s something beautiful. Sometimes there’s this feeling in the movement that makes me want to cry (Cry Quotes)
I was an onion, layers and layers and layers under a thin, papery skin. If anyone had been able to cut me open, my bitter, irritating juices would have stung their eyes, and they would have cried. Although I couldn’t cry myself, much at the time. But no one would cut me open (Cry Quotes)
Empathy as a complex emotion is different. It requires awareness of the other person’s feelings and of one’s own reactions. The appropriate reaction may not be to cry when another person cries, but to reassure them, or even to leave them alone (Cry Quotes)
I have even learned to respond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the tissues, until I realized that passing a person a tissue may be just another way to shut them down, to take them out of their experience of sadness and grief. Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there with them (Cry Quotes)
All these feelings need to be felt. We need to stomp and storm; to sob and cry; to perspire and tremble (Cry Quotes)
The remarkable insights that science affords us into the intelligible workings of the world cry out for an explanation more profound than that which itself can provide. Religion, if it is to take seriously its claim that the world is the creation of God, must be humble enough to learn from science what that world is actually like. The dialogue between them can only be mutually enriching (Cry Quotes)
If we didn’t have strong feelings, how could we love or fight? When our flesh is cut, we bleed. When our heart is broken, we cry. There’s nothing wrong with that. It only becomes a problem when it gets in the way of what you have to do. You can’t crumble when others are counting on you (Cry Quotes)
I am still young. I have a lot of time. And if someone breaks my records in the future, I won’t cry. That’s sport (Cry Quotes)
I’ll cry anywhere because I can do it quite subtly. Walking, that’s a good time to have a cry (Cry Quotes)
We willingly enter fictional worlds where we cheer our heroes and cry for friends we never had (Cry Quotes)
On the darkest days you have to search for a spot of brightness, on the coldest days you have to seek out a spot of warmth; on the bleakest days you have to keep your eyes onward and upward and on the saddest days you have to leave them open to let them cry. To then let them dry. To give them a chance to wash out the pain in order to see fresh and clear once again (Cry Quotes)
There is no happiness without tears, no life without death. Beware! I am going to make you cry (Cry Quotes)
Keep me rather in this cage, and feed me sparingly, if you dare. Anything that brings me closer to illness and the edge of death makes me more faithful. It is only when you make me suffer that I feel safe and secure. You should never have agreed to be a God for me if you were afraid to assume the duties of a God, and we know that they are not as tender as all that. You have already seen me cry. Now you must learn to relish my tears (Cry Quotes)
The important thing in acting is to be able to laugh and cry. If I have to cry, I think of my sex life. If I have to laugh, I think of my sex life (Cry Quotes)
Environmental laws give power to the people. Republicans can huff, puff and scream about what they consider strict regulations, but when they cry out for reform, for a quicker process, they’re really calling for a restriction of the rights of people to be involved in the planning process (Cry Quotes)
We weep for a bird’s cry, but not for a fish’s blood. Blessed are those with a voice (Cry Quotes)
Life makes concessions for no one; it’s up to each of us to learn from our experiences; laugh; cry; scream; shout; do whatever it takes to let it out; the important thing is to get it out... move on... and live life... life waits for no one either (Cry Quotes)
Long you live and high you fly. And smiles you’ll give and tears you’ll cry. And all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be (Cry Quotes)
She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns (Cry Quotes)
When I die, nobody cry at my funeral, in fact let’s all have a party; I’ve lived the life of ten men. I lived all my dreams and more (Cry Quotes)
Love is like a lighthouse, a beacon in the dark. When you lose the path that lights your way, you feel that you have died, but I assure you, you have not. You are reaching out for help or you would not have found this page. So red these quotations, allow yourself to feel your pain and cry out your loss and anguish. As you let it go, you will find the strength and courage to put your relationship in perspective and move on (Cry Quotes)
To make love is to become like this infant again. We grope with our mouths toward the body of another being, whom we trust, who takes us in her arms. We rock together with this loved one. We move beyond speech. Our bodies move past all the controls we have learned. We cry out in ecstasy, in feeling. We are back in a natural world before culture tried to erase our experience of nature. In this world, to touch another is to express love; there is no idea apart from feeling, and no feeling which does not ring through our bodies and our souls at once (Cry Quotes)
Love when you can, cry when you have to, be who you must, that’s a part of the plan. Await your arrival with simple survival, and one day we’ll all understand (Cry Quotes)
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns (Cry Quotes)
Never has our nation, or our world, stood on the precipice of adversity in such dire need of men answering the cry to rule well (Cry Quotes)
I want to make the audience laugh and cry within ten seconds, to show just how close those emotions are (Cry Quotes)
I love being a woman. You can cry. You get to wear pants now. If you’re on a boat and it’s going to sink, you get to go on the rescue boat first. You get to wear cute clothes. It must be a great thing, or so many men wouldn’t be wanting to do it (Cry Quotes)
As we grow up we learn that even the person that wasnt supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it gets harder every time. Youll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. Youll fight with your best friend. Youll blame a new love for things an old one did. Youll cry because time is passing too fast, and youll eventually lose someone you love, so take many pictures, laugh too much and love like youve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is one minute of happiness youll never get back (Cry Quotes)