Cry Quotes

Text Quotes
Difficult is a far cry from impossible. The distance between these two lies hope. Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Invite one to stay (Cry Quotes)
I just can’t get over how much babies cry. I really had no idea what I was getting into. To tell you the truth, I thought it would be more like getting a cat (Cry Quotes)
Generally my favorite remarks always come from my readers. I’ve had people say my books made them laugh, or cry, or that it frightened them late at night (Cry Quotes)
Laugh with people laughing, cry with people crying, but don’t fall into the river of world illusion. Stay on the banks (Cry Quotes)
There comes a time when ambition ceases to burn, or romance to stir, and the highest cry of the human heart is for peace (Cry Quotes)
I always wear boot polish on my eyelashes, because I am a very emotional person and it doesn’t run when I cry (Cry Quotes)
In prayer one must hold fast and never let go, because the one who gives up loses all. If it seems that no one is listening to you, then cry out even louder. If you are driven out of one door, go back in by the other (Cry Quotes)
Disillusions all come from within... from the failure of some dear and secret hope. The world makes no promises; we only dream it does; and when we wake, we cry! (Cry Quotes)
Our babies cried when we left them and we cry when they leave us. Echoes. Proud almost to arrogance then, we pushed them about in their carriages. Dutifully, wearily now they push us about in our chairs (Cry Quotes)
I’m a comedian, and I definitely see the humor in a lot of things. I am also sad a lot. I cry often and easily. I think you’re supposed to feel all kinds of things (Cry Quotes)
I find myself often moved to tears by what is being written in front of me. Sometimes, I just sit on the couch and write the words down and cry because the beauty of the thoughts and how exquisitely they are being expressed (Cry Quotes)
My way is the sensitive, emotional way, because that’s who I am. A day doesn’t go by where I don’t sit and cry, listening to the stories. I try to be the clown and court jester and make people laugh (Cry Quotes)
Women rely on friends.... That’s where we draw sustenance and find safety. We can count on our women friends when we need a good laugh or a good cry (Cry Quotes)
You must cry out if you want help. It is no use whatsoever to suffer in silence. Who will succour the drowning man if he does not clamour for his life? (Cry Quotes)
When you cry, you don’t look very attractive; you look snotty and blotchy. People seem to manage to cry quite prettily these days, and to me, that smacks of not being very genuine (Cry Quotes)
I have a lot more fun making comedies because there’s a levity on the set, and I find it difficult to go to work and, you know, cry for 12 hours (Cry Quotes)
I used to have a blankie, and when my mom had to wash it, I would sit outside the dryer and watch it go round and round, and cry (Cry Quotes)
I really, really, really want to do a silly romantic comedy where I can just have a crush on the guy, trip over myself, and laugh and be goofy. I just feel like all I do is cry, sob, and fight zombies and the bad guys (Cry Quotes)
The actor’s role in the community is quite unlike anyone else’s. Businessmen, for example, don’t take their clothes off or cry in front of strangers in the course of their work. Actors do (Cry Quotes)
You don’t go to a comedy and try to laugh. You laugh in spite of yourself. You don’t just come on stage and cry. Something has pushed you to cry (Cry Quotes)
When I went to acting school, the kids that got the best grades were the kids that could cry on cue. But it didn’t really translate into careers for any of them, because the external is the easy part (Cry Quotes)
Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart (Cry Quotes)
Some of the greater things are unseen. That’s why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream (Cry Quotes)
Cry down materialism all you will, surely one of the thoroughly satisfactory sensations of this world is to feel financially independent (Cry Quotes)
The railroads are not run for the benefit of the dear public. That cry is nonsense. They are built for men who invest their money and expect to get a fair percentage of the same (Cry Quotes)
We’re stuck in fear and in not wanting to cross that most important bridge of understanding that we’re more alike or not. We all cry, we all laugh (Cry Quotes)
I have always felt compassion for the planet. Sometime I just start to get emotional. I cry because I can almost feel the pain in the air. I put it in words and in song and in dance I think that is what artistry is (Cry Quotes)
Let him cry whoever feels like crying, for we were animals before we became reasoning beings, and the shedding of a tear, whether of forgiveness or of pity or of sheer delight at beauty, will do him a lot of good (Cry Quotes)
My favorite movies are movies that I go in and I leave deeply affected. Whether I laugh really hard or whether I cry really hard, I just want to feel really affected in that moment (Cry Quotes)
Fussing over children who cry only encourages them. That’s positive reinforcement for negative behavior (Cry Quotes)