Cultivated Quotes

Text Quotes
Celtic civilization was tribal, but by no means savage or uncultivated. People who regarded the theft of a harp from a bard as a crime second only to an attack on the tribal chieftain cannot be regarded as wanting in cultivated feeling (Cultivated Quotes)
Leisure was the sine qua non of the full Renaissance. The feudal nobility, having lost its martial function, sought diversion all over Europe in cultivated pastimes: sonneteering, the lute, games and acrostics, travel, gentlemanly studies and sports, hunting and hawking, treated as arts (Cultivated Quotes)
Popular art is normally decried as vulgar by the cultivated people of its time; then it loses favor with its original audience as a new generation grows up; then it begins to merge into the softer lighting of "quaint", and cultivated people become interested in it; and finally it begins to take on the archaic dignity of the primitive (Cultivated Quotes)
A great architect is not made by way of a brain nearly so much as he is made by way of a cultivated, enriched heart (Cultivated Quotes)
One can easily realize God if one is free from guile. Spiritual instruction produces quick results in a guileless heart. Such a heart is like well cultivated land from which all the stones have been removed. No sooner is the seed sown than it germinates. The fruit also appears quickly (Cultivated Quotes)
To maintain the supreme sense of self confidence I have cultivated, I repeat, 'I am strong, able and calm.' (Cultivated Quotes)
After all, the cultivated person's first duty is to be always prepared to rewrite the encyclopedia (Cultivated Quotes)
Until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire, you will be neither successful nor happy (Cultivated Quotes)
Music, if only listened to, and not scientifically cultivated, gives too much play to the feelings and fancy; the difficulties of the art draw forth the whole energies of the soul (Cultivated Quotes)
Religion is hard work. Its insights are not self-evident and have to be cultivated in the same way as an appreciation of art, music, or poetry must be developed (Cultivated Quotes)
After all the fertile land in the immediate neighbourhood of the first settlers were cultivated, if capital and population increased, more food would be required, and it could only be procured from land not so advantageously situated (Cultivated Quotes)
The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated (Cultivated Quotes)
It is true that short forms of poetry have been cultivated in the Far East more than in modern Europe; but in all European literature short forms of poetry are to be found - indeed quite as short as anything in Japanese (Cultivated Quotes)
Liberal Education makes not the Christian, not the Catholic, but the gentleman. It is well to be a gentlemen, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life (Cultivated Quotes)
We look for romance in the well cultivated garden plots, and when it springs out of virgin soil we are surprised, though any fool might know it was the natural place for it (Cultivated Quotes)
A cultivated man, wise to know and bold to perform, is the end to which nature works, and the education of the will is the flowering and result of all this geology and astronomy (Cultivated Quotes)
When the land is cultivated entirely by the spade and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land (Cultivated Quotes)
The object of universities is not to make skillful lawyers, physicians or engineers. It is to make capable and cultivated human beings (Cultivated Quotes)
Every corner of the public psyche is canvassed by some of the most talented citizens to see if the desire for some merchandisable product can be cultivated (Cultivated Quotes)
Cultivated men and women who do not skim the cream of life, and are attached to the duties, yet escape the harsher blows, make acute and balanced observers (Cultivated Quotes)
A relationship has to be cultivated. There have to be feelings of love for another first. But then you have to really like the person (Cultivated Quotes)
Happiness must be cultivated. It is like character. It is not a thing to be safely let alone for a moment, or it will run to weeds (Cultivated Quotes)
If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery (Cultivated Quotes)
So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations (Cultivated Quotes)
So I have cultivated the vast garden of human experience which is history, without troubling myself overmuch about laws, essential first causes, or how it is all coming out (Cultivated Quotes)
Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential process by which that intellect is cultivated beyond the commonplace experiences of everyday life (Cultivated Quotes)
There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite (Cultivated Quotes)
There’s a tremendous intellectual fervor among independent filmmakers, and that has to be cultivated (Cultivated Quotes)
I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me, until the last small twig has grown (Cultivated Quotes)
The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person (Cultivated Quotes)