Culture And Religion Quotes
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Text Quotes
I don’t want to get involved in the culture war. Religion’s iffy. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
The popular culture still ridicules religion and often treats it like the plague (Culture And Religion Quotes)
The role of the federal government should be neutral toward culture just as it is toward religion (Culture And Religion Quotes)
When it comes to culture, religion and mentality, most Russians identify with Europe (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Through some combination of culture and biology, our minds are intuitively receptive to religion (Culture And Religion Quotes)
How women view religion’s role in society is shaped more by their own country’s culture and context than one monolithic view that religion is simply bad for women. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
If we want to avoid a clash of cultures - and the jury is still out on whether we can - we’ll have to make different cultures and religions compatible with the universal nature of human rights and tolerance. But I can promise you this: Anyone who calls me an infidel at the conference will be in for a fight (Culture And Religion Quotes)
If we are to be ready for Jesus Christ, we have to stop being religious (that is, using religion as a higher kind of culture) and be spiritually real. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
There are very few adults in our culture able to imagine any genuine life coming from the vertical plane - tradition, religion, or devotion. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
There are cultures that produce different kinds of attitudes, whether it’s religion, fatalism, sense of fear, repression, the culture of God and the police minimizes confidence in people. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Human rights are universally valid and indivisible, regardless of culture and religion (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of offending culture, religion or traditions, (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Culture (science) is the form of religion; Religion is the substance of culture (science) (Culture And Religion Quotes)
As a Jewish thinker, I don’t think of myself in relationship to the dominant culture’s religion. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Drugs became an obsession, like Culture Club had been, like religion later became although I’m through with that now. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Religion and culture are two important ways in which we as humans find our identity. That’s certainly true for me. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Indeed, as long as a country has a culture a religion an ideology where Islam is dominant it will never be a democracy. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
A culture which doesn’t believe in region and religion is like a rock music, noise for old generation and nirvana for the young ones. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced - the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
As long as humans have existed, we have always desired to live longer. Every society, every religion, every culture. Of course, they all failed at dramatic life extension. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
They who seek religion for culture’s sake are aesthetic, not religious, and will never gain that grace which religion adds to culture, because they never can have the religion. (Culture And Religion Quotes)
What I find more remarkable, however, is how readily many people in our society believe outlandish and unsubstantiated urban myths and conspiracies (Pop Rocks and Coke, JFK assassination, AIDS is man-made, etc.), yet disregard thousands of personal and consistent testimonies of miracles and near-death experiences from people throughout all cultures and religions (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Violence against women in all its forms is a human rights violation. It’s not something that any culture, religion or tradition propagates (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Our critique of Israel has to be about the state, not culture or religion, but the state of Israel (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Instant enlightenment. A quintessential modernism, culture and religion accommodated to the age of fast food and bumper stickers. But psyche and spirit are not so exempt from the natural domain that they can simply produce self-change instantaneously, on demand. Wisdom precipitates through a notoriously slow apparatus of retorts and flasks, and it has to find receptive ground only in a properly seasoned mind (Culture And Religion Quotes)
I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 per cent of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Our culture is superior. Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Politics is chiefly a function of culture, at the heart of culture is morality, and at the heart of morality is religion (Culture And Religion Quotes)
Diversity of thought and culture and religion and ideas has been the strength of America (Culture And Religion Quotes)
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