Culture Quotes

Text Quotes
The primary nature of every human being is to be open to life and love. Being guarded, armoured, distrustful and enclosed is second nature in our culture. It is the means we adopt to protect ourselves against being hurt, but when such attitudes become characterological or structured in the personality, they constitute a more severe hurt and create a greater crippling than the one originally suffered (Culture Quotes)
Our ability to find humor in the world, to make connections between previously unconnected notions, to create new ideas, to share in a common culture: All these essentially human acts depend on memory (Culture Quotes)
I don’t think you can get away with putting your talents in a toilet bowl and not having them flushed away. Forever. There is a level of murder of one’s soul and of the culture that they’re supposed to be feeding vitamins to (Culture Quotes)
The telling of stories, like singing and praying, would seem to be an almost ceremonial act, an ancient and necessary mode of speech that tends the earthly rootedness of human language. For narrated events always happen somewhere. And for an oral culture, that location is never merely incidental to those occurrences. The events belong, as it were, to the place, and to tell the story of those events is to let the place itself speak through the telling (Culture Quotes)
To make love is to become like this infant again. We grope with our mouths toward the body of another being, whom we trust, who takes us in her arms. We rock together with this loved one. We move beyond speech. Our bodies move past all the controls we have learned. We cry out in ecstasy, in feeling. We are back in a natural world before culture tried to erase our experience of nature. In this world, to touch another is to express love; there is no idea apart from feeling, and no feeling which does not ring through our bodies and our souls at once (Culture Quotes)
Other men look to him as someone to emulate. His church calls on him for strength and leadership. He is a preserver of culture and a champion of society to keep out evil and usher in good (Culture Quotes)
Landscapes are culture before they are nature; constructs of the imagination projected onto wood and water and rock. It is... difficult to think of a single natural system that has not, for better or worse, been substantially modified by human culture. The cultural habits of humanity have always made room for the sacredness of nature (Culture Quotes)
There is a terrific apprehension among some people that blacks will take over the sport... It will create problems because their behavior, speech and dress is just a completely different culture (Culture Quotes)
It is through you, actors, that the forces which are understood by millions and that tell of everything that is beautiful on earth, find expression. The forces which reveal to people the happiness of living in a widened consciousness and in the joy of creative work for the whole world. You, the actors of a theatre, which is one of the centres of human culture, will never be understood by the people if you are unable to reflect the spiritual needs of your time, the now in which you are living (Culture Quotes)
Girls who stay true to themselves manage to find some way to respect the parts of themselves that are spiritual. They work for the betterment of the world. Girls who act from their false selves are often cynical about making the world a better place. They have given up hope. Only when they reconnect with the parts of themselves that are alive and true will they again have the energy to take on the culture and fight to save the planet (Culture Quotes)
I am going in now for interior decoration. By that I mean supplying objets d’art and giving advice regarding the decoration of their houses to wealthy persons who do not have the time, inclination, nor culture to do such work for themselves. It is nothing new. Women have done the same thing before (Culture Quotes)
Extending social and economic development throughout the world and eliminating nuclear weapons from military arsenals are two fundamental prerequisites to replacing the culture of war with a culture of peace, and building true security for all the world’s people (Culture Quotes)
The reason to get in touch with the culture is not to adopt it but to engage it for the same reasons a missionary does... to gain a hearing for the gospel (Culture Quotes)
Those who attempt to evangelize the culture by imitating its forms must beware lest the culture evangelize them (Culture Quotes)
You can overcome wrong technology. Your people have the initiative, they see the problem, no big deal... you can’t overcome bad culture. You’ve gotta change whoever is in charge (Culture Quotes)
Pop culture has entered into a nostalgic malaise. Online culture is dominated by trivial mashups of the culture that existed before the onset of mashups, and by fandom responding to the dwindling outposts of centralized mass media. It is a culture of reaction without action (Culture Quotes)
It turns out it takes 30 years for a new idea to seep into the culture. Technology does not drive change. It is our collective response to the options and opportunities presented by technology that drives change (Culture Quotes)
The great moral question of the 21st century is this: if all knowing, all culture, all art, all useful information can be costlessly given to everyone at the same price that it is given to anyone; if everyone can have everything, anywhere, all the time, why is it ever moral to exclude anyone? (Culture Quotes)
Unless we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for nonactivity, unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we will destroy our culture and ourselves (Culture Quotes)
We cannot abandon this rabbit hole for fear of a traumatic encounter with our own culture (Culture Quotes)
Fate is a story that’s been written for you by somebody else. By your parent’s genes, by what happened to you when you were a child, by your culture, by the fact that you were born a man or a woman. Destiny is a story that you write (Culture Quotes)
Women initiate most domestic violence, yet out of a thousand cases of domestic violence, maybe one is involving a man. And this has made a victim of culture out of women (Culture Quotes)
There’s an ancient bond that still exists today between horses and humans, it is even there with people that have never ridden a horse or been around horses. The horse is what settled the entire west. If it weren’t for the horse they’d probably be only a couple hundred miles from where they started. A lot of people don’t realize how much they owe the horse because it’s not so much a part of our culture right now as it used to be (Culture Quotes)
The splendors of earth do not simply lie in their roles as human resources, supports of culture, or stimulators of experience (Culture Quotes)
To me, I learned along the way, you know, culture is behavior. That’s all it is; culture is people’s behaviors (Culture Quotes)
Our hope is that a new manager, along with roster improvements, will restore a winning culture (Culture Quotes)
Inasmuch as it’s a culture, cinema is the only thing at our disposal with which we can recognize ourselves in today’s images. As an instrument it’s inevitably inadequate, but it’s the only one (Culture Quotes)
You know, who tells the stories of a culture really governs human behavior. It used to be the parent, the school, the church, the community. Now it’s a handful of global conglomerates that have nothing to tell, but a great deal to sell (Culture Quotes)
You create a fearful culture where you spend a lot of time looking at where you screwed up (Culture Quotes)
And last, we must bear in mind that the relationships between perception, thought, emotion, and behavior are neither automatic nor consistent. In many cases they are demonstrably affected or directed by culture and socialization. We don’t just want what we want because we want it; we want what we want because that’s what we’ve learned to want (Culture Quotes)