Culture Quotes

Text Quotes
We spend so much time condemning, critiquing, and copying culture we miss on actually changing it. Be a creator not a hater (Culture Quotes)
Children are the same the world over. They may have a different culture, but an ache or a laugh is universal (Culture Quotes)
Presence is far more intricate and rewarding an art than productivity. Ours is a culture that measures our worth as human beings by our efficiency, our earnings, our ability to perform this or that. The cult of productivity has its place, but worshipping at its altar daily robs us of the very capacity for joy and wonder that makes life worth living (Culture Quotes)
You have to accustom yourself to practical study at home, you have to devote time to studies, to the history of chess, the development of chess, of chess culture (Culture Quotes)
To engage people in culture we must remember that holiness is separation from sin, not separation from sinners (Culture Quotes)
Cities are beautiful because they are created slowly; they are made by time. A city is born from a tangle of monuments and infrastructures, culture and market, national history and everyday stories. It takes 500 years to create a city, 50 to create a neighborhood (Culture Quotes)
Our community of rebels, of humble truth seekers, wants to turn our culture around. We don’t despise our country. We don’t desire failure. We desire light, a beacon to show the world that our wealth need not show the way to more rapid destruction, but can be leveraged to heal more acres, more backyards, more communities faster than any civilization on the right path has ever done it (Culture Quotes)
All forms of books make a valuable contribution to education and the dissemination of culture and information. The diversity of books and editorial content is a source of enrichment that we must support through appropriate public policies and protect from uniformity (Culture Quotes)
Shambhala vision is universal. It has no bias towards one type of culture or group. It is not ethnocentric and does not encourage one specific kind of person, race, or religion. Shambhala vision promotes a universality in relationship to basic goodness. All human beings are basically good and an enlightened society, at various levels of manifestation, can occur in any culture (Culture Quotes)
Don’t forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly (Culture Quotes)
Wine is one of the most complex of all beverages: the fruit of a soil, climate, and vintage, digested by a fungus through a process guided by the culture, vision, and skill of an individual man or woman (Culture Quotes)
While conversion of sugars to ethanol is the predominant reaction, it is only one of potentially thousands of biochemical reactions taking place during fermentation. As a result, wine contains trace amounts of a large number of organic acids, esters, sugars, alcohols, and other molecules. Wine is, in fact, one of the most complex of all beverages: the fruit of a soil, climate, and vintage, digested by a fungus through a process guided by the culture, vision, and skill of an individual man or woman (Culture Quotes)
To control a people you must first control what they think about themselves and how they regard their history and culture. And when your conqueror makes you ashamed of your culture and your history, he needs no prison walls and no chains to hold you (Culture Quotes)
Permaculture gives us a toolkit for moving from a culture of fear and scarcity to one of love and abundance (Culture Quotes)
When the playful me shows up, I am ready to be a serious learner … a culture of playfulness is closely related to the capacity to learn (Culture Quotes)
The culture of celebrity has become insane. It’s all based on fantasy, and I find it creepy and disturbing (Culture Quotes)
Maybe we don’t recognize satisfaction because it is disguised as radical generosity, a strange misnomer in a consumer culture (Culture Quotes)
Whatever our background, culture or race, what rewards us most powerfully and consistently are the most deceptively simple abilities of all: the ability to be kind (Culture Quotes)
There is something intrinsically, systemically wrong with white, western culture, and if we don’t fix it, it won’t continue (Culture Quotes)
The noise around us determines how we speak. And how we listen. Just as a conversation suffers in a war zone, art suffers in a culture built on noise. So does our enjoyment of it (Culture Quotes)
Culture has become one of the last elements of our identity. We have to act in favor of cultural diversity abroad as well as at home, we need strong cultural diplomacy but we have to create it (Culture Quotes)
Soil erosion is as old as agriculture. It began when the first heavy rain struck the first furrow turned by a crude implement of tillage in the hands or prehistoric man. It has been going on ever since, wherever man’s culture of the earth has bared the soil to rain and wind (Culture Quotes)
A game may be as integral to a culture, as true an object of human aesthetic appreciation, as admirable a product of creativity as a folk art or a style of music; and, as such, it is quite as worthy of study (Culture Quotes)
In our civilization, there are permanent forms which are part of every epoch and every culture. They are not especially difficult to detect. A minimal knowledge of physics, astrophysics, and perhaps mathematics, brings to light certain patterns that make these subjects easier to understand. It is striking to see the extreme similarity between these scientific propositions and the forms that recur in all times, places and civilizations (Culture Quotes)
Blues, rock and hip hop are more about a lifestyle and culture than notes on a page (Culture Quotes)
Some changes we can control, but we find that many things are inseparably wired into the life we share in local, national, and global communities. For example, the healthy lifestyle you are determined to live and take to be a personal choice of which you have control, is heavily influenced and limited by the culture and industries of the communities you belong to (Culture Quotes)
Every child needs nature. Not just the ones with parents who appreciate nature. Not only those of a certain economic class or culture or set of abilities. Every child (Culture Quotes)
We were badly held back not just by the technology, but by the culture of journalism (Culture Quotes)
I love fashion. What I love is the ability to express yourself, to be able to make a product and shoot an ad campaign that tosses you out into the world and lets you have a voice in contemporary culture, iconography. I felt a little bit neutered not having that voice (Culture Quotes)
I ask you to write this deeply into your souls... the materialistic culture... is now on the way to its close (Culture Quotes)