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Cup Quotes

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I exercise every day. I don’t get up and have a cup of coffee anymore, I get up and move to get blood to my brain.  (Cup Quotes) In the morning, a cup of love, kindness and sunshine make my day bright and happy  (Cup Quotes) The difference between the American version of ‘Live Aid’ and the British one - in England, if you wanted a cup of tea, you made it yourself. If you wanted a sandwich, you bought it. In typical American style, at the American concert, there were laminated tour passes and champagne and caviar.  (Cup Quotes) It’s changed throughout the years, but at one time I was a really big bubble gum ice cream fan. I’d spit the bubble gum pieces in a cup and then collect them.  (Cup Quotes) When I was training for the Chicago Marathon, I would eat a cup of cereal after an 18-mile long run, and then I’d have to get out the door with nothing but a granola bar in my hand. I can’t change my busy schedule with my kids, but I can work harder to improve in this area. I think it’s a part of training that most of us find difficult.  (Cup Quotes) Suddenly the drunken sweetheart appeared out of my door.She drank a cup of ruby wine and sat by my side.Seeing and holding the lockets of her hairMy face became all eyes, and my eyes all hands.  (Cup Quotes) I’m the leading scorer in the cup, and that’s lovely, but don’t forget this is also a great moment for the whole squad, when the two things coincide you can’t ask for more.  (Cup Quotes) You can’t go to sleep without a cup of tea and maybe thats the reason that you talk in your sleep...  (Cup Quotes) Minute to Win It’ is a variation on a game show from the 1950s called ‘Beat the Clock,’ in which contestants won washing machines and fox stoles by doing such pointless stunts as catching a tennis ball in a paper cup or knocking a hat off one’s wife’s head with a whipped-cream spritzer.  (Cup Quotes) A great day in New York would be to wake up, get a cup of coffee and head up to Central Park for a nice walk. Then I’d go down to the East Village and stroll around. After that, maybe I’d go check out a museum or catch an indie film at the Angelika.  (Cup Quotes) My goals are for the U.S. team to get to the second round of the World Cup and to win a championship here in the U.S. with my club team the Columbus Crew.  (Cup Quotes) You see gods have great power, but only humans have creativity, the power to change history rather than simply repeat it. Humans can...how do you moderns say it...think outside the cup.  (Cup Quotes) When I was a child, the FA Cup was one of the crown jewels of the sporting year, along with the Grand National, Wimbledon and The Open. But with every announcement it seems to lose another piece of its identity. First it was sponsors added to the name, followed by the semi-finals at Wembley.  (Cup Quotes) If my wife made childhood obesity her mission and I signed a law making 1/8 cup of tomato paste a vegetable, I’d be sleeping on the sofa.  (Cup Quotes) If you ever go to Temple Square in Salt Lake City, if you stay there long enough, you’ll see a homeless person standing in the middle of their nice, beautiful square, holding out a cup for change. And the Mormons don’t ever ask him to leave.  (Cup Quotes) London has such an unbelievable respect for theater, where L.A. does not. You go to a play here, and the dude next to you is sleeping. In London, if you’re not in your seat when it starts, they lock the door. In Los Angeles, you can stroll into school late with a cup of coffee. In London, you get your butt to class on time.  (Cup Quotes) Drinking a cup of coffee with your eyes closed isn’t a sophisticated task for a person, but it’s hard for a robot.  (Cup Quotes) I have the Sony Reader; I have the Kindle as well. I don’t really use either of them, to be honest. I’d rather sit down with a cup of coffee and a newspaper than read all my digital books.  (Cup Quotes) To say the Internet is the death of books and movies is like saying someone invented a new, more efficient kind of cup and it heralds the death of coffee - a new improved form of carrying something, which is essentially what the Internet is, should be helpful to our business.  (Cup Quotes) I come from a coffee-loving family, and you can always tell when my sister and I have been around, because both of us collect all the dead coffee from everyone’s morning cup, pour it over ice, and drink it. This is a disgusting habit.  (Cup Quotes) My frontal lobe doesn’t function well. When I’m out with friends, I typically have a cup of coffee, and that’s not good for my sleep. And yet I’ll do it again, night after night - ‘Oh why did I have that cup of coffee?’ I can’t stop it because I love it.  (Cup Quotes) I eye ‘Modern Love’ warily between that second and third cup of coffee on Sunday mornings, calculating how much of a push I need to get through the day’s unhurriedly earnest saga of heartbreak and recovery.  (Cup Quotes) I grew up not liking coffee, even though I’m from Brazil. Then I realized when I moved to San Francisco that it’s not that I don’t like coffee, I just didn’t like the coffee I’d had before. I fell in love with my morning cup of coffee, and my second one at 11 A.M., and so on and so forth.  (Cup Quotes) I sing like a flower, and I dance like a tree. Let us make love like an overflowing cup of coffee.  (Cup Quotes) I love the morning time - a cup of coffee and to sit at the piano, that’s probably my favorite time.  (Cup Quotes) I love the hour in makeup. It gives you time to think and have a cup of coffee. It’s my favorite part of the day.  (Cup Quotes) My I love you was a measured response, like one gallon of coffee in one cup of sugar. It was just overflowing with an awakening of my soul.  (Cup Quotes) When I was younger, on weekends, my mom would make us pancakes with our initials on them and then a tiny cup of coffee. I remember at 10 sneaking my own coffee and pouring a ton of sugar in and going up to the playroom and drinking it.  (Cup Quotes) I rise near dawn, make a strong cup of coffee, wander to my desk and come fully awake by reading something written the day before.  (Cup Quotes) The first thing I do when I wake up is take a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, and vitamins, and then I look at my dogs. I have three dogs, Rosa, Toto, and Mimmo, all Labradors.  (Cup Quotes)
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