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I hate when I’m not done with my cup but my mom decides to put it in the dishwasher anyway and the cup isn’t dishwasher safe. I keep telling my mom that my origami coffee mugs are hand wash ONLY. Handshakes are also hand wash only.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz  (Cup Quotes) For me soccer provides so many emotions, a different feeling every day. I’ve had the good fortune to take part in major competitions like the Olympics, and winning the World Cup was also unforgettable. We lost in the Olympics and won in the World Cup, and I’ll never forget either feeling.  (Cup Quotes) The World Cup gave me a lot of confidence - just to know that I can play at the highest level and not only complete but play well.  (Cup Quotes) The World Cup is a very complicated tournament - six games, seven if you make it to the final - and maybe if you lose one game you’re out, even if you’re the best.  (Cup Quotes) We can never untangle all the woes in other people’s lives. We can’t produce miracles overnight. But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart.  (Cup Quotes) I’ll never be, like, sippy cup country, or write about everything I do around the house  (Cup Quotes) We should not have a tin cup out for something as important as the arts in this country, the richest in the world. Creative artists are always begging, but always being used when it’s time to show us at our best.  (Cup Quotes) A chance, as a coach, to take a team to the World Cup finals is probably as high up the tree as it gets, certainly with one-day cricket.  (Cup Quotes) Porsche is a driver’s car - a performance car. That was funny - here’s this awesome car, but it’s got no cup holders.  (Cup Quotes) I love being home, reading the paper in the morning and having a cup of coffee, doing laundry, going grocery shopping and running daily errands. For me, it’s important to have that balance in my life.  (Cup Quotes) I get up between 6:30 and 8 am. I used to make a cup of coffee first thing, but now I have warm water with a bit of lemon juice in it. I’ve cut down on things as I was getting fat.  (Cup Quotes) Even a cup of coffee tastes so much sweeter because you’ve come once again out of the, literally, out of the edge of death, and that’s the condition I suppose that a lot of artists and writers would like to be in.  (Cup Quotes) I put hibiscus flower in every cup of tea I have. It’s sweet, sexy, and cleansing.  (Cup Quotes) Though rom-coms aren’t necessarily my cup of tea, I was a huge fan of ‘Notting Hill.’  (Cup Quotes) I was never good at that Disney/Nickelodeon kind of acting. It’s not really my cup of tea.  (Cup Quotes) I was fairly solitary. I didn’t like structured learning. People didn’t seem to be my cup of tea.  (Cup Quotes) I’ve never cooked. I can’t do much more in the kitchen than make a cup of tea and some toast.  (Cup Quotes) I love home, any home really - my mum’s, and of course my own. I love eating food there and chilling in bed with a cup of tea.  (Cup Quotes) After Frankenstein, I feel as if I want to make a film about somebody having a nice cup of tea  (Cup Quotes) The proper, wise balancing of one’s whole life may depend upon the feasibility of a cup of tea at an unusual hour.  (Cup Quotes) Happiness isn’t a thing. You can’t go out and get it like a cup of tea. It’s the way you feel about things.  (Cup Quotes) Really, the one thing that actually works - you know, state-run communism may not be your cup of tea, but [China’s] government works.  (Cup Quotes) I wanted to be a singer forever. But it’s not really my cup of tea. Having the whole world know who you are.  (Cup Quotes) When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that’s when I think life is over.  (Cup Quotes) The best thing is I can say ‘I’m working’ when I’m having a cup of tea and a cigarette and fiddling on the guitar.  (Cup Quotes) A thoughtful cup of tea brought to your bedside each morning means more to me than the huge bouquet of flowers bought once a year.  (Cup Quotes) I just like to take my time, have a cup of tea and read the paper. I don’t like starting the day in a panic.  (Cup Quotes) It was never important for a wedding to be about anything other than me and my partner. A big celebration was never my cup of tea.  (Cup Quotes) Shakira’s music isn’t my cup of tea, but the way she moves her hips reminds me of the feeling you get when you climb the gym pole.  (Cup Quotes) There’s something so comforting to me about having a cup of tea, and it really needs to be made with love - I can taste the difference.  (Cup Quotes)
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