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It’s just as valuable to curate content as it is to create it  (Curate Quotes) I remember the average curate at home as something between a eunuch and a snigger  (Curate Quotes) Let’s crowd source, curate, and add royalties to books  (Curate Quotes) Many of the museum directors who make an impact personally curate exhibitions  (Curate Quotes) I resist the temptation to curate my apartment  (Curate Quotes) I might want to open a hotel and design all the rooms. Or maybe a museum that lets me curate all the events  (Curate Quotes) We can contemplate the creation of new kinds of vital texts: curate sociology rather than just write it  (Curate Quotes) After you produce you can select. you can curate. you can censor. But for now, have bad ideas, lots and lots of bad ideas  (Curate Quotes) When I am in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a drawing room full of dukes  (Curate Quotes) Yes, I was a parish priest for five years. I was a curate in a large working class parish in Bristol and the Vicar of a village in Kent  (Curate Quotes) I’m transitioning to television and film, but ultimately, I want to have a stronger presence on the web and be able to curate the content that I want to see. To bring attention to other filmmakers and writers  (Curate Quotes) You curate information that you want to receive. It’s a lot different because I’m not asking you if it’s okay, I’m just saying I’m following your updates. That’s why I don’t think of Twitter as a social network  (Curate Quotes) I don’t necessarily make much art myself, but after I wrote ‘Warped Passages,’ I was fortunate to get involved a little in the art world. I got invited to write a libretto for what we called a projective opera, and I also got invited to curate an art exhibit.  (Curate Quotes) A lot of people who curate in the business, and curate the art, don’t really have good artistic sense. They may know commerce, but they aren’t savvy enough to know how to balance commerce and art, you know? They don’t know how to satisfy both palates.  (Curate Quotes) Lately I feel being political is also about the company I keep and the ideas I put forward. When I do a curate a program or do a workshop, I want to make it intergenerational; I want to have women on the faculty and also among the students.  (Curate Quotes)