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Curative Quotes

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Now, it is a good sanitary principle, that what is curative is preventive  (Curative Quotes) Whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines  (Curative Quotes) The correct didactic analysis is one that does not in the least differ from the curative treatment. How, indeed, shall the future analyst learn the technique if he does not experience it just exactly as he is to apply it later?  (Curative Quotes) The power in which we must have faith if we would be well, is the creative and curative power which exists in every living thing  (Curative Quotes) Betty took him for a walk in the zoo and he was amused by her evident belief in the curative power of animals. She seemed to think that it must steady him to look at a buffalo  (Curative Quotes) Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process. It’s curative. It is creative  (Curative Quotes) A sneer is like a flame; it may occasionally be curative because it cauterizes, but it leaves a bitter scar  (Curative Quotes) Analysis brings no curative powers in its train; it merely makes us conscious of the existence of an evil, which, oddly enough, is consciousness  (Curative Quotes) Study is the scourge of boyhood, the environment of youth, the indulgence of adults and the curative for the aged  (Curative Quotes) Changing your attitude has a curative effect... Maybe you can go directly to a change of mind, a change of attitude.  (Curative Quotes) Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process. It’s curative. It is creative.  (Curative Quotes)