Current Quotes

Text Quotes
Landscapes, heads and naked women are called artistic photography, while photographs of current events are called press photography. (Current Quotes)
As the news agenda goes into warp speed, it becomes ever more difficult for authors writing about current events to keep their books timely and relevant. (Current Quotes)
I like fiction and the kind of history that gives the grace and flavor of fiction to the past. No bloviation on current events, please. I can write that junk myself. (Current Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to do more significant stuff. I think of myself as well-informed, but the hardest thing to do is talk about politics and current events and be funny and not just preachy. (Current Quotes)
I’m not interested in current events per se, but I am interested in how certain aspects of social or public life that might seem ultra-contemporary actually take their place in a long American continuum. (Current Quotes)
Little Brother sounds an optimistic warning. It extrapolates from current events to remind us of the ever-growing threats to liberty. But it also notes that liberty ultimately resides in our individual attitudes and actions. In our increasingly authoritarian world, I especially hope that teenagers and young adults will read it - and then persuade their peers, parents and teachers to follow suit. (Current Quotes)
I’m fascinated about how past events shape our perception of current events and how they make us the people we are. (Current Quotes)
My themes are derived from current events, from familiar situations, from daily life, because I never actively intervene against the object, I can feel the magic of its presence. (Current Quotes)
These kids [of the current generation] have no fear of technology ... sort of like I have no fear of a refrigerator. (Current Quotes)
Unfortunately, the current generation of mail programs do not have checkers to see if the sender knows what he is talking about. (Current Quotes)
Considering that future generations will be far better off than current generations even after accounting for climate change, it would be more equitable for today’s industrialized world to help solve the real problems facing today’s poorer developing world than to mitigate climate change now to help reduce the burden on future populations that would not only be wealthier but also technologically superior. (Current Quotes)
To think the welfare and the goodness of the next generations is indeed a good ethics, but there is much greater ethics than this: To think the welfare and the goodness of the current generations, the very people of now! The reason is simple: Future may not exist, it is only a possibility, but the people of now are not possibility, they are here! (Current Quotes)
Bill Clinton did midnight basketball. He is not looked at by this current generation of Democrats as anywhere near the hero he was back in the nineties. (Current Quotes)
The current distribution model for movies, in the U.S. particularly, but also around the world, is pretty antiquated relative to the on-demand generation that we’re trying to serve. (Current Quotes)
The current generation of solar and wind power systems generally introduce instability into the electrical utility grid system with their intermittent power generation characteristics and electronically generated harmonic energy. (Current Quotes)
I have very fond memories of my childhood in Afghanistan, largely because my memories, unlike those of the current generation of Afghans, are untainted by the spectre of war, landmines, and famine. (Current Quotes)
Current creation has exiled the turning wheel, and the same law of advancement makes the lady of today an alternate lady from her grandma. (Current Quotes)
Americans have always evinced some distrust of government, but the current situation has exacerbated this to a degree that may be unprecedented. (Current Quotes)
I believe that with the help of foreign countries - and under that condition only, because they have no other source of financing - the new government may temporarily extricate Georgia from the current situation. (Current Quotes)
As the president of Kosovo, I am more concerned about the current situation with the employment standing at around 70 % of the population, which is young, with great potential, speaking many foreign languages and having wide expertise. (Current Quotes)
Do you feel bored and stuck in a rut? Is work drudgery? If so, you are spending far too much time bemoaning your fate and how the universe is not cooperating with your desires. Be present with and in your current situation. (Current Quotes)
I was on a very bumpy plane ride, an overnight flight. I was so miserable, and I pulled out ‘David Copperfield,’ and I forgot how scared and tired I was, and I thought, ‘This is what reading should be.’ I’m utterly transported out of my current situation. (Current Quotes)
The current situation with regard to theory is odd and maybe defined by a paradox (Current Quotes)
In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past. (Current Quotes)
Your current situation does not determine your future. Your future is determined by your decision to succeed. (Current Quotes)
When you catch yourself slipping into a pool of negativity, notice how it derives from nothing other than resistance to the current situation. (Current Quotes)
Like all biologists I simply acknowledge the gravity of the current situation. There are scenarios under which things work out well and to that extent I’m a cautious optimist. (Current Quotes)
I think many people are not seeing the change. They`re really upset with the current situation. We haven`t seen a major American city go up like this in quite some time. (Current Quotes)
Given the current state of publishing, I think it helps to have a brand name on the cover of your book. Comedians are proven commodities with built-in audiences. They may not have the writing chops of a Dave Eggers, but they’re salacious and funny and self-reflective. (Current Quotes)
We have this really retro vibe and style of songwriting and, personally, I wasn’t embracing the current state of music until I fell in love with hip-hop. It felt good to suddenly embrace where music was headed, and I think hip-hop is the best at that, because it feels so progressive and everybody wants to be the best. (Current Quotes)