Custom Quotes

Text Quotes
Custom adapts itself to expediency (Custom Quotes)
Custom does often reason overrule (Custom Quotes)
Custom doth make dotards of us all (Custom Quotes)
What was time but a convention, a habit of mind, a custom of dress? (Custom Quotes)
Custom makes monsters of us all (Custom Quotes)
Two wives? That exceeds the custom (Custom Quotes)
Now defined as art, the totem has lost cult, taboo, and custom (Custom Quotes)
Custom is the law of fools (Custom Quotes)
A strong person makes the law and custom null before his own will (Custom Quotes)
The way of the world is to make laws, but follow custom (Custom Quotes)
Nothing is more powerful than custom or habit (Custom Quotes)
Custom reconciles us to everything (Custom Quotes)
Custom is the great guide to human life (Custom Quotes)
It is not reason which is the guide of life, but custom (Custom Quotes)
Choose the life that is noblest, for custom can make it sweet to thee (Custom Quotes)
Custom determines what is agreeable (Custom Quotes)
Logic is a poor guide compared with custom (Custom Quotes)
The empire of custom is most mighty (Custom Quotes)
Custom may lead a man into many errors; but it justifies none (Custom Quotes)
Absurdities are great or small in proportion to custom or insuetude (Custom Quotes)
No particular motive for living, except the custom and habit of it (Custom Quotes)
How but in custom and in ceremony are innocence and beauty born? (Custom Quotes)
I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety (Custom Quotes)
Custom is almost a second nature (Custom Quotes)
Custom is a second nature, and no less powerful (Custom Quotes)
Custom, that unwritten law, by which the people keep even kings in awe (Custom Quotes)
Custom reconciles us to every thing (Custom Quotes)
Retired to their tea and scandal, according to their ancient custom (Custom Quotes)
Custom, then, is the great guide of human life (Custom Quotes)
Custom makes all things easy (Custom Quotes)