Custom Quotes

Text Quotes
Habit had made the custom (Custom Quotes)
Like those crabs which dress themselves with seaweed, we wear belief and custom (Custom Quotes)
It takes far more courage to violate a custom than a law (Custom Quotes)
Times change: it was once the custom to take a bath weekly and religion daily (Custom Quotes)
Custom and authority are no sure evidence of truth (Custom Quotes)
An ancient custom obtains force of nature (Custom Quotes)
Custom, madam, is the law of fools, but it shall never govern me (Custom Quotes)
Wind indeed increases fire, but custom love (Custom Quotes)
All inferences from experience... are effects of custom, not of reasoning (Custom Quotes)
Custom without truth is error grown old (Custom Quotes)
Experience is the mother of custom (Custom Quotes)
Men would wither and custom stale them, but diamonds! Ah, they were crystallized immortality! (Custom Quotes)
Custom, which diminishes the intense, increases the moderate, pleasures (Custom Quotes)
Free competition exists inside shelters of law, custom, insurance, political approval, and carefully protected status (Custom Quotes)
Custom creates the whole of equity, for the simple reason that it is accepted (Custom Quotes)
We are more sensible of what is done against custom than against nature (Custom Quotes)
Rash and incessant scolding runs into custom and renders itself despised (Custom Quotes)
Great things astonish us, and small dishearten us. Custom makes both familiar (Custom Quotes)
There is no tyrant like custom, and no freedom where its edicts are not resisted (Custom Quotes)
Custom is petrification, nothing but dynamite can dislodge it for a century (Custom Quotes)
The laws of conscience, though we ascribe them to nature, actually come from custom (Custom Quotes)
Never can custom conquer nature, for she is ever unconquered (Custom Quotes)
Custom alone regulates morals (Custom Quotes)
Culture has never the translucidity of custom; it abhors all simplification. In its essence it is opposed to custom, for custom is always the deterioration of culture (Custom Quotes)
As an infant, man is wrapped in his mother's womb; grown up, he is wrapped in custom; dead, he is wrapped in Earth (Custom Quotes)
Baseball has the largest library of law and lore and custom and ritual, and therefore, in a nation that fundamentally believes it is a nation under law, well, baseball is America's most privileged version of the level field (Custom Quotes)
The club also had the custom of sending robed members to kidnap visiting celebrities and steal them away in a black coach with covered windows, all without saying a word (Custom Quotes)
The slaves of custom and established mode, with pack - horse constancy we keep the road Crooked or straight, through quags or thorny dells, true to the jingling of our leader's bells (Custom Quotes)
Where no paths exist, a man strays only when he misses his destination. There is no crime, no transgression, no sin save foolishness or incompetence, and no obscenity save the tyranny of custom (Custom Quotes)
History. Language. Passion. Custom. All these things determine what men say, think, and do. These are the hidden puppet strings from which all men hang (Custom Quotes)