Customer Quotes

Text Quotes
We need to reengineer companies to focus on figuring out who the customer is, what’s the market and what kind of product you should build (Customer Quotes)
Customers are a great way to finance a business for many reasons. First, customer financing is typically non dilutive. They want something from you other than equity in your business. Customers also help you fit your product to the market. And customers will help debug and improve the quality of the product (Customer Quotes)
The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary (Customer Quotes)
For in some ways the world was like a shopping centre, and he himself was a doubtful customer, often ineffectual, being talked into buying things he didn’t want, things indeed which nobody in their right mind would want to buy (Customer Quotes)
Accepting the key premise that the learner is the primary customer of schooling means others follow naturally... The core business of schooling is learning, and the quality of learning experienced by all learners should be the standard against which performance is measured (Customer Quotes)
The most important adage and the only adage is, the customer comes first, whatever the business, the customer comes first (Customer Quotes)
If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is (Customer Quotes)
If anything goes wrong, the customer doesn’t care whose fault it is. He’s the one who’s going to suffer anyway (Customer Quotes)
The definition of salesmanship is the gentle art of letting the customer have it your way (Customer Quotes)
Don’t make promises unless you will keep them. Not plan to keep them. Will keep them. Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and good customer service is no exception (Customer Quotes)
Listen to your customers. Can the sales pitches and the product babble. Let your customer talk and show him that you are listening by making the appropriate responses, such as suggesting how to solve the problem (Customer Quotes)
The irony of good customer service is that over time it will bring in more new customers than promotions and price slashing ever did! (Customer Quotes)
Companies cannot really see beyond their current customer base. They explicitly or implicitly do things to protect their current customers. And the last person to want real change is your customer. This is why most new ideas come from small companies that have nothing to lose (Customer Quotes)
It’s not about market share. If you have a successful company, you will get your market share. But to get a successful company, what do you have to have? The same metrics of success that your customer does (Customer Quotes)
We are reinventing ourselves as a company. Compaq is taking ownership of its customer relationships and accountability of our customer’s needs (Customer Quotes)
I’d rather spend money on things that improve the customer experience than on marketing (Customer Quotes)
We decided that if we get the culture right, most of the stuff, like building a brand around delivering the very best customer service, will just take care of itself (Customer Quotes)
With businesses, you go to the same places because you like the service, you like the people and they take care of you. They greet you with a smile. That’s how people want to be treated, with respect. That’s what I tell my employees.. customer service is very important (Customer Quotes)
When you’re taking care of the customer, you can never do too much. And there is no wrong way... if it comes from the heart (Customer Quotes)
If you deal with every customer in the same way, you will only close 25 to 30 percent of your contacts, because you will only close one personality type. But if you learn how to effectively work with all four personality types, you can conceivably close 100 percent of your contacts (Customer Quotes)
Even in the face of massive competition, don’t think about the competition. Literally don’t think about them. Every time you’re in a meeting and you’re tempted to talk about a competitor, replace that thought with one about user feedback or surveys. Just think about the customer (Customer Quotes)
The intellectual’s hostility to the businessman presents no mystery, as the two have, by function, wholly different standards. While the businessman’s motto is the customer is always right, the intellectual’s task is to preserve his perceived standards against the weight of popular opinion (Customer Quotes)
I’ve always believed the best measure of a product’s worth is customer acceptance in the marketplace (Customer Quotes)
When people talk about successful retailers and those that are not so successful, the customer determines at the end of the day who is successful and for what reason (Customer Quotes)
Even in the face of massive competition, don’t think about the competition. Just think about the customer (Customer Quotes)
Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value (Customer Quotes)
To gain customer insights, we must understand that we are prisoners of what we know and what we believe (Customer Quotes)
It’s much harder to provide a great customer service than I would have ever realised. It’s much more art than science in some of these other areas and not just about the facts but about how you are conveying them (Customer Quotes)
Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them (Customer Quotes)
New media is... an amazing form of direct marketing in that you really get a sense of who your customer is, and you also get to know those people who may not be your customers yet but are aspirational and are hoping to be (Customer Quotes)