Cut Down Quotes

Text Quotes
I cannot tell a lie. I cut down the cherry tree. (Cut Down Quotes)
How can you expect the birds to sing when their groves are cut down? (Cut Down Quotes)
One nice thing about the Third World, you don’t have to fasten your seat belt. (Or stop smoking. Or cut down on saturated fats.) It takes a lot off your mind when average life expectancy is forty-five minutes (Cut Down Quotes)
War is possible only if you have a lot of enemies. If all the enemies get together and form one front - if you cut down the number of enemies - there would be no war (Cut Down Quotes)
For every one pupil who needs to be guarded against a weak excess of sensibility there are three who need to be awakened from the slumber of cold vulgarity. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts (Cut Down Quotes)
People never have confidence in a Big Talker. They know his statements must be cut down, but they can never tell how much (Cut Down Quotes)
It’s easy to enjoy your job and enjoy other people when things are going good. When you’re faced with adversity is when the character of men is measured. There’s a Mennonite proverb, ‘Man, like a tree, is measured best when cut down.’ (Cut Down Quotes)
Everybody has only a 24-hour day. Most people, if they increase consumption of one medium (like magazines or books) will cut down on another (like TV). This drastically reduces the sort of growth some people have been expecting (Cut Down Quotes)
I think if you want to make a good sports movie, you’ve got to cut down on the sports. You have to make it about people. You can’t try to impress people with your knowledge and the X and O’s and all the details and the technicalities (Cut Down Quotes)
Mindfulness of the resources we have and respect for where we live, eat, and sleep is a good starting point. Being conscious of your consumption, what goes in and out, will help cut down on wastefulness (Cut Down Quotes)
Y’see, when you start to lick a national problem you have to go after the fundamentables. You want to cut down air pollution? Cut down the original source. Breathin! (Churchy to Howland) (Cut Down Quotes)
When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money. (Cut Down Quotes)
When all the trees have been cut down and all the animals have been hunted to extinction, when all the waters are polluted and the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money. (Cut Down Quotes)
If you cut down the forest, you know what happens: The whole of Asia turns into a desert. Without water, you’re talking civil unrest, war, mud slides - the whole bloody lot. (Cut Down Quotes)
I get up between 6:30 and 8 am. I used to make a cup of coffee first thing, but now I have warm water with a bit of lemon juice in it. I’ve cut down on things as I was getting fat. (Cut Down Quotes)
It’s always a little bit personal when your work is cut down for whatever reason (Cut Down Quotes)
My editor’s main job is to cut down my worldbuilding. There’s so much fun stuff in there, you know? (Cut Down Quotes)
If you cut down a forest, it doesn’t matter how many sawmills you have if there are no more trees. (Cut Down Quotes)
If your ancestors cut down all the trees, it’s not your fault, but you still don’t live in a forest. (Cut Down Quotes)
A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation. (Cut Down Quotes)
The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. (Cut Down Quotes)
I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers. I put on women’s clothing and hang around in bars. (Cut Down Quotes)
I’ve cut down on a lot of stuff this summer, just so I can hang out and be a normal kid for a while. (Cut Down Quotes)
I wish you didn’t have to design so often. Try to do quality and cut down on quantity. I think fashion is very, very important. (Cut Down Quotes)
Overcoming fear and worry can be accomplished by living a day at a time or even a moment at a time. Your worries will be cut down to. (Cut Down Quotes)
Try to cut down drastically on plastic. Recycle. Use less energy and more renewable energy. We can all live better by doing better for ourselves and the sea! (Cut Down Quotes)
Since 1937, about half the forests in the world have been cut down to make paper. If hemp had not been outlawed, most would still be standing, oxygenating the planet. (Cut Down Quotes)
I grew up working on farms. You’d do anything for money. You’d pick blueberries in the summertime for weeks; you’d cut down, like, spruce and fir trees for pulp. (Cut Down Quotes)
To express our love, we carved a heart into the trunk of a tree, which I later cut down and turned into a cabinet to more efficiently hold all our love. (Cut Down Quotes)
I like working. It is where I feel useful. I have no plans to cut down. I am happy with what I do. There will be a lot more of me yet, that’s for sure. (Cut Down Quotes)