Cut Quotes

Text Quotes
As a sunbeam perishes when cut off from the sun, so man apart from God would pass back into the void of nothingness from which he first leaped at the creative call (Cut Quotes)
Our brains are no longer conditioned for reverence and awe. We cannot imagine a Second Coming that would not be cut down to size by the televised evening news, or a Last Judgment not subject to pages of holier-than-Thou second-guessing in the New York Review of Books (Cut Quotes)
By this time I had discovered that all the gamey bits were cut out of the school texts, because I had a Shakespeare of my own; the Ontario Department of Education was hard at its impossible task of trying to educate the masses without in any permanent way inflaming their minds (Cut Quotes)
A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease. Every hidden cell is throbbing with music and life, every fiber thrilling like harp strings, while incense is ever flowing from the balsam bells and leaves. No wonder the hills and groves were God's first temples, and the more they are cut down and hewn into cathedrals and churches, the farther off and dimmer seems the Lord himself (Cut Quotes)
As president, Reagan worked very well with Democrats to do big things. It is true that he worked to reduce the size of government and cut federal taxes and he eliminated many regulations, but he also raised taxes when necessary (Cut Quotes)
By the age of 9 or 10, I knew that I had to cut my own cloth and make my own way (Cut Quotes)
It were depression, too. They cut my wages down once at the foundry. They cut my wages down again. Then they cut my wages out, also the job (Cut Quotes)
You have to take away some of tax breaks for the wealthy, and you have to cut back on some entitlements. Because, unless we do all of these things, it just doesn't work. And what's good theater and what's good politics isn't necessarily good economic policy (Cut Quotes)
The caucus is a sort of representative meeting which sits voting and voting till they have cut out all the known men against whom much is to be said, and agreed on some unknown man against whom there is nothing known, and therefore nothing to be alleged (Cut Quotes)
A political country is like an American forest; you have only to cut down the old trees, and immediately new trees come up to replace them (Cut Quotes)
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die (Cut Quotes)
In order for the oppressed to unite they must first cut the umbilical cord of magic and myth which binds them to the world of oppression; the unity which links them to each other must be of a different nature (Cut Quotes)
Patriotism, in the trenches, was too remote a sentiment, and at once rejected as fit only for civilians, or prisoners. A new arrival who talked patriotism would soon be told to cut it out (Cut Quotes)
New beginnings and new shoots spring again from hidden roots pull or stab or cut or burn, love must ever yet return (Cut Quotes)
To reduce deficit spending and our enormous debt, you reign in spending. You cut the budget. You don't take more from the private sector and grow government with it. And that's exactly what Obama has in mind with this expiration of Bush tax cuts proposal of his (Cut Quotes)
We need to hack up the person responsible for this bad connection....Hack him up in front of his children. We need to cut off his face and wear it and go on a really tightly budgeted shopping spree in stores that don't exist yet (Cut Quotes)
Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat (Cut Quotes)
Barricades of ideas are worth more than barricades of stones. There is no prow that can cut through a cloudbank of ideas. A powerful idea, waved before the world at the proper time, can stop a squadron of iron clad ships, like the mystical flag of the Last judgement (Cut Quotes)
A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free (Cut Quotes)
Life is cut to allow for growth... one may vigorously put on weight before one fills it out entirely (Cut Quotes)
You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six (Cut Quotes)
He does not see as I have that you have given him your heart, but he is male. We will cut him some slack for that handicap, yes? (Cut Quotes)
I wish my life were a movie and I could take it into the editing room and totally cut this part out. And some other parts. Some other parts definitely need to be cut (Cut Quotes)
.... both had learned that everything could change in an instant, and that the heartfelt vows of people in love were fragile words that, once shattered, could cut so deeply you'd bleed forever (Cut Quotes)
No matter how you cut it, this real debate on personal accounts is about the legitimacy of social security; it's not about the solvency of social security (Cut Quotes)
School was the thing in America, don't you know, and the Starlings caught on to that. One of the Starling's uncles had his junior college degree cut on his tombstone (Cut Quotes)
A cut glass English accent can fool unsuspecting Americans into detecting a brilliance that isn't there (Cut Quotes)
Cut back on your rent or cut back on what you spend on food but never worry about investing money in a good book (Cut Quotes)
My mouth blooms like a cut. I've been wronged all year, tedious nights, nothing but rough elbows in them and delicate boxes of Kleenex calling crybaby crybaby, you fool! (Cut Quotes)
When the female voice is repressed and stifled, the entire community can easily find themselves cut off from the sacred feminine, depriving themselves of the full image of god (Cut Quotes)