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Cut Quotes

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If you cut down a forest, it doesn’t matter how many sawmills you have if there are no more trees  (Cut Quotes) I thought it was terrible. I don’t know who to believe. Williams was very loyal and honest. Nobody could ever say different. Sometimes, that got him into a lot of trouble. But after he died and they cut his head off, that made me sick  (Cut Quotes) If you had a record company believing in you enough to cut an album then you had better have the ability to work the album on the road  (Cut Quotes) I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original  (Cut Quotes) So, we’re saying, if we can give developers and builders incentives to cut down on the regulatory barriers that are faced in this country, then we might be able to address the needs of affordable housing  (Cut Quotes) I truly don’t know why it was ended, though. It was suddenly decided that that would be it. They never said particularly why, because they were cut off in their prime  (Cut Quotes) It’s going to seem idiotic to say this, but I think that at a given moment we all need a place to ourselves where we can refuge ourselves and cut ourselves off from the world  (Cut Quotes) You don’t get to cut that chain of evidence and start over. You’re always going to be pursued by your data shadow, which is forming from thousands and thousands of little leaks and tributaries of information  (Cut Quotes) Nixon is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump for a speech on conservation  (Cut Quotes) I had these fangs because I had jaundice when I was a kid and I was put on so many antibiotics that my teeth rotted. They had to cut them out. So I never had milk teeth. That was tough, you know, being in school having photos taken while I was pretending I had teeth. It was hideous  (Cut Quotes) Primitive animals will sometimes keep chattering or twitching their muscles even after their heads have been cut off. and that’s probably the best analogy today to the president’s continuing enunciation of his policies  (Cut Quotes) I don’t cut down on food just for myself, but for society. I wish to inspire some sincere person, even only for one day, to please be moderate in their food and drink  (Cut Quotes) The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy, if you could put it that way, would be $20 a barrel for oil. That’s bigger than any tax cut in any country  (Cut Quotes) Make no mistake, the point of cutting the personal income tax and the capital gains cut is to send an unmistakable message to business  (Cut Quotes) Would cut us to mincemeat, and throw our bleeding heads on that table to stare us in the face  (Cut Quotes) A strong pursuit, give no time for the enemy to think, take advantage of victory, uproot him, cut off his escape route  (Cut Quotes) 1. Find a subject you care about. 2. Do not ramble, though. 3. Keep it simple. 4. Have the guts to cut. 5. Sound like yourself. 6. Say what you mean to say. 7. Pity the readers  (Cut Quotes) If the electrician who comes to mend my fuse blows it instead, so I should stop having electricity? I should cut off my light? Socialism is my light, can you understand that?  (Cut Quotes) I say I don’t need a tax cut. It will not do me any more good. I can’t buy more, I can’t eat more, I can’t do more, and I want it distributed among the ordinary people who work every day  (Cut Quotes) It took them only an instant to cut of that head, but it is unlikely that a hundred years will suffice to reproduce a singular one  (Cut Quotes) Compared to today’s salaries, our cut was minuscule but it was very good for the time  (Cut Quotes) There is nothing like the razor sharp tongue of a good friend to cut through the lies we tell ourselves  (Cut Quotes) There is in a man an upwelling spring of life, energy, love, whatever you like to call it. If a course is not cut for it, it turns the ground round it into a swamp  (Cut Quotes) It was as though he had cut up the sky, melted down a flower garden, tossed in some jewels and made it into glass  (Cut Quotes) When the picture was finished, they took me into the sound room and then I screamed more for about five minutes just steady screaming, and then they’d cut that in and add it  (Cut Quotes) I don’t know if I’d want to do that anymore, because you always get bigger laughs on college campuses. So, when the film plays in front of a city audience, you’ve probably cut too loosely  (Cut Quotes) The key is, to not think of death as an end, but as more of a very effective way to cut down on your expenses  (Cut Quotes) There’s something about a pious man such as he. He will cheerfully cut your throat if it suits him, but he will hesitate to endanger the welfare of your immaterial and problematical soul  (Cut Quotes) If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them  (Cut Quotes) I call it cut and paste journalism. It’s very convenient, very easy, very useful. and very dishonest  (Cut Quotes)
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