Cut Quotes

Text Quotes
I cut a lot of cringy sex stuff and a lot of stuff I thought was too personal. I think secret gardens are very special. I think we all have to have them. I think the secret of memoirs is keeping those parts of yourself off the page, which makes what you do share more valuable (Cut Quotes)
I love to help women cut through all the labeling loopholes to find the best personal and oral care products on the market. This includes, of course, ingredients, but also recyclable packaging, products with expiration dates, examining company values (which includes no animal testing), and more (Cut Quotes)
I didn’t shoot any guns then or when we did the scene with Uncle Charlie [Matthew Goode] and Evie [Nicole Kidman] in the hall. I sort of pressed the button but there were no blanks or anything in there because I think it was always going to cut (Cut Quotes)
If you want to reinstate the 14.4 billion dollars that Bush cut out of the veterans program then vote democrat (Cut Quotes)
For every $1 billion we invest in public transportation, we create 30,000 jobs, save thousands of dollars a year for each commuter, and dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions (Cut Quotes)
I’m not saying anything that’s unknown, but movies are always cut down and there’s a lot of complexity within the film that is not always widely accepted by the general audience, which is just a reality; a movie of a certain size, they don’t want people to be too - it’s a balance of how deep to keep going with these ideas (Cut Quotes)
To see poor people, their benefits being cut, to see pensions of Americans who have worked like my father, all their lives, and taken away, to see the rich just accumulating more and more wealth. I mean, it seems to me that there has to be a point where you have to say, ‘No, this has to stop.’ (Cut Quotes)
I don’t like to spend a lot of money on haircuts: I’ll sometimes grow my hair and get an acting job and get them to cut it for free. I think for a lady, though, it’s okay to spend a lot on a haircut (Cut Quotes)
Whenever I am acting, it’s everything, you know. If I’m researching a role, I’m completely consumed in that and, between action and cut, I live in this suspended time. (Cut Quotes)
Every time there’s a cut in the action, we joke and dance around, there’s show tunes and fart noises. (Cut Quotes)
Probably the best advice I ever got in my life was from the head of the accounting department, Mr. Hutchinson, I believe at the Glidden Company in Chicago, and he told me, ‘You really aren’t cut out for accounting.’ (Cut Quotes)
So, we’re saying, if we can give developers and builders incentives to cut down on the regulatory barriers that are faced in this country, then we might be able to address the needs of affordable housing. (Cut Quotes)
During the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the Afghans. When Britain finally drew a border between India and Afghanistan in 1893, Pashtun tribes in southern Afghanistan were cut off from related tribes across the border in what was then India and is now Pakistan. (Cut Quotes)
There are lots of things, including changing the kind of inner dialog, that can mitigate anxiety. And yes, there are people who have the glass half full and glass half empty, and I’m afraid the glass is going to break and I’ll cut myself on the shards. (Cut Quotes)
I’m kind of like a samurai. They say if you want to be a samurai, you can’t be afraid of dying, and as soon as you flinch, you get your head cut off. I’m not afraid of losing this business. (Cut Quotes)
Write with abandon and no constraints for first draft. Cut brutally and save in separate files on second draft. Add conflict; don’t be afraid to make your characters suffer. Read what you love. Write what you love. Love. (Cut Quotes)
It requires enormous energy for us to cut the African American uninsured rate by a third. A lot of scars. (Cut Quotes)
When we were in D.C. my daddy used to cut his hair with a bowl. Crucial. If you’re African, Haitan, Jamaican or even more poor than the people in the project, you’ll know about that. (Cut Quotes)
I have the cliche ‘struggling actor’ story. I was waiting tables in New York, went out to L.A. soon after graduation to get some jobs, but it didn’t work out. I wanted to cut my teeth in professional theater, so I came back to New York. It made my journey a longer one, but I really wanted to excel in the theater. (Cut Quotes)
Just imagine what would have happened if Michael Jordan quit after getting cut from his High School Basketball team? (Cut Quotes)
I really like the old stuff that I cut my musical teeth on, and I loved it when the industry was just like that, without really a genre. Today, country radio’s more aimed at a demographic than a genre. It just softens everything. (Cut Quotes)
Don’t let small thinking cut your life down to size. Think big, aim high, act bold. And see just how big you can blow up your life. (Cut Quotes)
When the wind blows through a wood, its mass is cut and closed by every leaf, forming a train of jittery vortices in the air. (Cut Quotes)
My mother had very humble beginnings - to put it mildly. Her dad built their home out of timber that he cut down on their land. No heat, no air-conditioning - ‘no foolishness,’ as he would call it. (Cut Quotes)
No matter how you cut them, paste them, rotate them, or distort them, lip syncing and air-guitar playing are fundamentally foolish activities, and anyone seen to be engaging in them with anything approaching a straight face is, by definition, taking herself or himself much too seriously. (Cut Quotes)
Y’see, when you start to lick a national problem you have to go after the fundamentables. You want to cut down air pollution? Cut down the original source. Breathin! (Churchy to Howland) (Cut Quotes)
I think your alcohol intake has to change. You know, usually a big person feels they can drink anything they want to and as much as they want to and I’ve cut that way back. (Cut Quotes)
After my hip operation, I had to cut out butter, which I loved, and salt. I no longer eat desserts with lots of cream, and I’ve cut right back on alcohol. (Cut Quotes)
I can’t very well preach unity and tell the guys we’re all in this together and everyone’s important, then cut a guy because we might improve by one percent if we bring in someone else. (Cut Quotes)
I don’t return anybody’s calls unless it’s going to mean extra money for me. And I’ve completely cut off all relationships with any friends that I had before the show. And I’ve copped an attitude. (Cut Quotes)