Cut Quotes

Text Quotes
That’s a tumor. It goes across my liver, up through my lungs, all the way around my heart. And when they were done trying to cut it out, nuke it out with radiation and chemotherapy it out, it left so much scar tissue that when I walk outside now in cold weather and take a deep breath, it feels like someone is stabbing me. (Cut Quotes)
For me, growing up in Detroit, scarves meant cold weather. But I remember working in a store, and we had some silk scarves - like, wide scarves with fringe - and because I had seen the English rockers wearing skinny silk scarves, I took the scarves, cut and sewed them, and made them long - almost like a tie. (Cut Quotes)
When in college, I would hardly attend classes. In fact, we would go to other colleges and hang out there. Every six months, my friends and I would hit the roads and go to Goa. We weren’t rich kids, and our trips were on shoestring budgets. But, we hardly cut down on the fun. (Cut Quotes)
I don’t know if I’d want to do that anymore, because you always get bigger laughs on college campuses. So, when the film plays in front of a city audience, you’ve probably cut too loosely. (Cut Quotes)
It’s a good idea to revitalize community colleges, to cut back, to modify the student loan program so it doesn’t go through banks. (Cut Quotes)
Lunch is a big huge salad with every color in it. From leafy greens to purple to herbs, fresh cut herbs mixed into it for flavors. I vary what I toss into it. Sometimes it might be lentils and chopped tomatoes, other days it could be garbanzo beans, some days I might have just a salad and have some lentil soup on the side. (Cut Quotes)
When you play professionally, you get accustomed to turnover. Players come and go - they get injured, they get transferred, they get cut from the team. Coaches are hired, and coaches are fired. It’s just part of the world you live in. (Cut Quotes)
Too many people are waiting for Jesus to come along and cut your grass. And Jesus isn’t going to come along and cut your grass. (Cut Quotes)
One can regard the moral law as an illusion, and so cut himself off from the common ground of humanity. (Cut Quotes)
Where patient needs are complex, we should provide greater support in the community so that patients can cut down on trips to the tertiary hospital. (Cut Quotes)
Girls get competitive, as though there’s only one spot in the world for everything _ but that’s not true. We need to stick together and see there’s more to life than pleasing men. It’s important not to cut yourself off from female friendships. I think sometimes girls get scared of other girls, but you need each other. (Cut Quotes)
Al Toon, who had his football career cut short because of multiple concussions, hopes his son follows in his footsteps. (Cut Quotes)
I’m used to being cut out of the conference meetings, but now they are cutting us out even before the bill’s are written or either the House or Senate Acts. (Cut Quotes)
The people in my life are friends I have by choice. I’ve made a conscious effort to have them in life. I only have the time and energy for so many people, which has cut down my friend group to a handful, but I’m so much happier with fewer good people, who really do know me. (Cut Quotes)
We have ministers who are incapable of doing what has been ordered from above because there is no follow up, because there are no consequences. If you are poor man and you steal, your hand is cut off after three offences. But if you are a rich man, nobody will say anything to you. (Cut Quotes)
The constant need to move on, and to document progress, in normal schools means that education tends to be cut up into bite sized task.. (Cut Quotes)
Society needs both parents and nonparents, both the work party and the home party. While raising children is the most important work most people will do, not everyone is cut out for parenthood. And, as many a childless teacher has proved, raising kids is not the only important contribution a person can make to their future. (Cut Quotes)
I have really long hair, so I don’t cut it all that often. Sometimes, when I’m working, I just have the stylist on set trim it for me. I don’t dye my hair. When I was a teenager, I dyed my hair five colors at one time. It was all different shades of red going from more orange to more purple. I thought I looked so cool. (Cut Quotes)
This king governs without decapitation or corporal punishments. Criminals are simply fined, lightly or heavily, according to the circumstances. Even in cases of repeated attempts at wicked rebellion, they only have their right hands cut off... Throughout the country the people do not kill any living creature . . . (Cut Quotes)
I believe the vulpine greed of the corporate world is cut from the very same cloth as the tyrant of history. (Cut Quotes)
I still find trusting people quite hard. I’ve got a couple of mates that I do let in, but that’s it. It’s something I’ve got to sort out - I cut people off. (Cut Quotes)
We pledge to you that we will create jobs. End economic uncertainty and make America more competitive. We will cut Washington wasteful spending and reduce the size of government. And we will reform Congress and restore your trust in government. (Cut Quotes)
When I was young I would spend more money than I should with my credit card but my father cut it off, so I had to find creative ways of making money. (Cut Quotes)
I know people think we drive around in these nice cars and we do whatever we want and our parents will pay our credit cards, but that’s not the case. Sure, my parents were generous; I got a nice car at 16, but at 18 I was cut off. I’ve worked really hard. I opened the store myself. (Cut Quotes)
The imperial projects will continue, Wall Street will be unimpeded in its malfeasance and criminal activity, social programs will continue to be cut, maybe not at the same speed as under a Republican Administration, but it’s all headed in the same direction. (Cut Quotes)
With rare exceptions, I respond most to painting that cuts across grain rather than following it. I think the artist here can get in touch with that grain rather than simply feel its flow. And he really can’t cut right across it anyway. (Cut Quotes)
British humour is very cruel. It’s my favourite kind of humour; if it isn’t cruel and funny it doesn’t really cut the cake for me. (Cut Quotes)
Unfortunately, every time there’s a budget crunch in New York, the Parks Department is usually the first to be cut. So they need all the help they can get. (Cut Quotes)
I get up between 6:30 and 8 am. I used to make a cup of coffee first thing, but now I have warm water with a bit of lemon juice in it. I’ve cut down on things as I was getting fat. (Cut Quotes)
For a long time I was looking for my perfect equilibrium, my mojo. And now I think I’m getting there: I’ve found my customer, my silhouette, my cut. (Cut Quotes)