Cut Quotes

Text Quotes
Decisions to cut aid for the terminally ill, for the elderly, for dependent children, for food stamps, even school lunches, are being made by men with full stomachs who live in comfortable houses with two cars and umpteen tax shelters. None of them go hungry to bed at night. (Cut Quotes)
I don’t know of too many double Christmas albums, so it is something that’s new, and hopefully will be fun, and there’s plenty of stuff out there to cut. (Cut Quotes)
But in the meantime I became accustomed to the writing life and it would be hard to change now - partly because of the salary cut if I went to my other love, teaching; and partly because I still have stories to tell, even though it isn’t all that fun doing the work anymore. (Cut Quotes)
Kids want to saute, to cut the pizza, to see how the ingredients come together. If you let them do the fun stuff, they’ll develop skills and interests that will stay with them forever. (Cut Quotes)
So many people commute in this country by car long enough distances to really cut into their income, their real income, that they would change their vote based on gas prices. (Cut Quotes)
I have raised beds, perennial beds, cut flower beds. I have an island on a pond that’s just covered in peonies. I have an herb garden, tons of vegetables, raspberries. I have everything. I’m a green guy. (Cut Quotes)
One problem with politics is that it is a zero sum game, i.e. politicians argue how to cut the pie smaller and smaller, by reshuffling pieces of the pie. I think this is destructive. Instead, we should be creating a bigger pie, i.e. funding the science that is the source of all our prosperity. Science is not a zero sum game. (Cut Quotes)
The biggest journalistic game-changer of our time has been the rise of social media and the overgrowth of faux news sources - league- and team-sponsored blogs, player tweets, fanboy sites, rumor mills - churning bits of information and speculation into a clattering fog storm. Who will cut through the drivel and whim-wham to tell us what’s really going on? (Cut Quotes)
I just think you would never kill and cut up a human to wear so why do it to animals? I just think it’s horrible, I would never wear fur, although I guess if it was a really vintage piece you might just get away with it. (Cut Quotes)
When he comes back, I’m sticking to him like moss to a stone. You’re going to have to cut me off with a knife to get us separated. (Cut Quotes)
Believe it or not, I loved my Jheri curl and thought it was beautiful on me. It actually made my hair grow like crazy. What they didn’t tell you back then was that once you get the Jheri curl, there’s no way of getting rid of it, so when I was over it, I ended up having to cut off all my hair and start all over again. (Cut Quotes)
When I was starting out and had to cut my teeth and build my resume to get in, I had to basically work for free on a lot of things. (Cut Quotes)
How did we keep getting so lost in a midnight world? Why did we continue lamenting as we wounded our hearts and were cut apart? (Cut Quotes)
If anyone wants to know the weirdest thing, it’s getting your hair cut and seeing it on the news. Terrorists probably knew about my haircut. (Cut Quotes)
There’s no pressure in baseball. Pressure is when the doctor is getting ready to cut you, take your heart out, and put it on a table. (Cut Quotes)
She doesn’t play nice with others Sadi huffed out. So I’m in the process of adjusting her attitudeAnd I’m in the process of getting ready to cut out your heart, bitch (Cut Quotes)
I couldn’t remember the last time I hadn’t had to fake gratitude for a gift, and now that I actually was grateful, thank you didn’t seem to cut it. (Cut Quotes)
You have to give people permission to laugh. That’s why they would always cut to the banana peel in the Laurel and Hardy movies. (Cut Quotes)
Giving someone a one-time stimulus check, or a one-time tax cut that expires doesn’t allow the predictability that business needs. (Cut Quotes)
If you and I become vegans, the global consequences aren’t going to be that much. But if we can get a few hundred million people to become a little more aware and cut back on their animal consumption, the consequences will be great. (Cut Quotes)
We live in a global community and we can’t really remain isolated. I believe that when we hold a very narrow view about our attitudes of politics or culture or religion, then we cut out the opportunity to really engage with other points of view. (Cut Quotes)
Don’t be a time manager, be a priority manager. Cut your major goals into bite-sized pieces. Each small priority or requirement on the way to ultimate goal become a mini goal in itself. (Cut Quotes)
When you use God as an excuse to hate people and you use God as an excuse to cut people down, first of all, I think it’s insulting to God. (Cut Quotes)
Every James Brown cut makes a party get crazy. He’s the God of all music. I always play different wild remixes of his songs because people start bugging out when they realise what I’m playing. (Cut Quotes)
I don’t give a damn, laddie. Until the actual moment, when they cut me down, I shall still be looking to win. And the gods of war are fickle at best. (Cut Quotes)
The clubs, that’s easy to cut out, because I know when the season ends I can look forward to going out. (Cut Quotes)
I’m obsessed with coffee. My doctor says if I don’t cut back, I am going to permanently damage my esophagus. No joke. (Cut Quotes)
[Donald] Trump I’ve known because we cut ribbons together at golf courses and that sort of thing. He’s a pleasant guy when you’re with him. I’ve played golf with him twice, oh, probably 10, 15 years ago. (Cut Quotes)
I was blessed with a good character in ‘Hollyoaks,’ and I cut my teeth in ‘Brookside’ as well. (Cut Quotes)
My dad told me, ‘Your movie’s never as good as the dailies and never as bad as the rough cut. (Cut Quotes)