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Cutthroat Quotes

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The cutthroat part of it is that professional wrestling has no union. There are a number of people that are taken advantage of on a daily basis  (Cutthroat Quotes) The media propagates a message that corporations want, and there’s a belittling and mocking of the poor and celebration of wealth. A kind of cutthroat, rapacious capitalism is celebrated on reality television shows where you betray and manipulate and push aside your competitors for fleeting fame and money. These are sick values, but they’re disseminated through corporate media in almost every program you watch  (Cutthroat Quotes) I doubt if I shall ever outgrow the excitement bordering on panic which I feel the instant I know I have a strong, unmanageable fish, be it brook trout, brown trout, cutthroat, rainbow, steelhead or salmon on my line  (Cutthroat Quotes) Some of the most cutthroat auditions youll have as an actor are when youll have three words to say  (Cutthroat Quotes) The profit motive, when it is the sole basis of an economic system, encourages a cutthroat competition and selfish ambition that inspires men to be more concerned about making a living than making a life  (Cutthroat Quotes) It’s the light, she thought. Everyone looks like a cutthroat by torchlight. No wonder they invented electricity  (Cutthroat Quotes) He was done with tinsel and sawdust, he declaimed; he wanted no more of the theater and its cutthroat machinations  (Cutthroat Quotes) I’m in the movie business; it’s meant to be very cutthroat. But you won’t find anybody that ever says I cheated them or manipulated them  (Cutthroat Quotes) There’s no difference in dealing with the music business with the majors than any other competition. The music business is way more cutthroat than any other business.  (Cutthroat Quotes) Andy Stasiuk was a newsman of the old school of front-page journalism - tough, knowledgeable, cynical, single-minded and fun. He covered the news as a happy warrior in an era of cutthroat editorial competition.  (Cutthroat Quotes) The competition is cutthroat, even among best friends. And you have to be able to, by virtue of experience, be able to deal with it.  (Cutthroat Quotes) When you get to the rarefied air that people like Montana and Steve Young and other NFL quarterbacks are breathing, you can’t believe the competitive, the cutthroat competitive nature of things.  (Cutthroat Quotes)