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Cyclic Quotes

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History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man  (Cyclic Quotes) There is no way to be in cyclic existence without creating the causes of suffering  (Cyclic Quotes) When selflessness is seen in objects, the seed of cyclic existence is destroyed  (Cyclic Quotes) All motion is cyclic. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point  (Cyclic Quotes) As you know, the business is cyclic with styles. It’s no different from clothing styles  (Cyclic Quotes) Reincarnation is a cyclic process. There are endless levels of creation, different universes. In each one something similar is taking place, the evolution of spirit through matter  (Cyclic Quotes) At the very center of our being is rhythmic movement, a cyclic expansion and contraction that is both in our body and outside it, that is both in our mind and in our body, that is both in our consciousness and not in it  (Cyclic Quotes) It is a fact that our fresh water is becoming more scarce and that the new ways we are getting energy in America - fracking, mountaintop removal, cyclic steam extraction, deep-sea drilling - all pollute water, pollute the air, and pollute our soil and food.  (Cyclic Quotes)