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Cyprian Quotes

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Custom, though never so ancient, without truth, is but an old error  (Cyprian Quotes) The beard must not be plucked. ‘You will not deface the figure of your beard’  (Cyprian Quotes) For the helmsman is recognized in the tempest; in the warfare the soldier is proved  (Cyprian Quotes) This supernatural bread and this consecrated chalice are for the health and salvation of mankind  (Cyprian Quotes) Custom is often only the antiquity of error  (Cyprian Quotes) The wretched bodies of the condemned shall simmer and blaze in those living fires  (Cyprian Quotes) Murder, considered a crime when people commit it singly, is transformed into a virtue when they do it en masse  (Cyprian Quotes) The world is going mad in mutual extermination, and murder, considered as a crime when committed individually, becomes a virtue when it is committed by large numbers. It is the multiplication of the frenzy that assures impunity to the assassins  (Cyprian Quotes) Men imitate the gods whom they adore, and to such miserable beings their crimes become their religion  (Cyprian Quotes)