Daily Lives Quotes

Text Quotes
My sculpture thrives in the context of the city, interacting with people in the course of their daily lives (Daily Lives Quotes)
Transportation is the center of the world! It is the glue of our daily lives. When it goes well, we don’t see it. When it goes wrong, it negatively colors our day, makes us feel angry and impotent, curtails our possibilities (Daily Lives Quotes)
It is personal vanity of the most flagrant type which intrudes itself, unasked, into other people’s affairs. There are few of us who do not feel capable of ordering the daily lives of others, down to the most minute detail (Daily Lives Quotes)
Despite the enormous role that local government plays in our daily lives, the constitution makes not one mention of it (Daily Lives Quotes)
Spirituality lies not in the power to heal others, to perform miracles, or to astound the world with our wisdom, but in the ability to endure with right attitude whatever crosses we have to face in our daily lives, and thus to rise above them (Daily Lives Quotes)
It is necessary to help others, not only in our prayers, but in our daily lives. If we find we cannot help others, the least we can do is to desist from harming them (Daily Lives Quotes)
As individual people, embedded in our daily lives, of course we’re interested in what makes one person different from another. We’ve got to hire one person and not another, marry one person and not another (Daily Lives Quotes)
Maybe the more emotions a person experiences in their daily lives, the longer time seems to feel to them. As you get older, you experience fewer new things, and so time seems to go by faster (Daily Lives Quotes)
Life has many good things. The problem is that most of these good things can be gotten only by sacrificing other good things. We all recognize this in our daily lives. It is only in politics that this simple, common sense fact is routinely ignored (Daily Lives Quotes)
In meditation and in our daily lives there are three qualities that we can nurture, cultivate, and bring out. We already possess these, but they can be ripened: precision, gentleness, and the ability to let go (Daily Lives Quotes)
Every person should make it his business to gather new ideas from sources other than the environment in which he daily lives and works. The mind becomes withered, stagnant, narrow and closed unless it searches for new ideas (Daily Lives Quotes)
Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. The farthest horizons of our hopes and fears are cobbled by our poems, carved from the rock experiences of our daily lives (Daily Lives Quotes)
There’s not democracy in the workplace. I mean, through most of our daily lives, the idea of democracy is fairly nonexistent. And I think things work better when the people who have to work with whatever it is we’re working with have a say in how it’s working (Daily Lives Quotes)
... poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into language, then into idea, then into more tangible action. Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. The farthest horizons of our hopes and fears are cobbled by our poems, carved from the rock experiences of our daily lives (Daily Lives Quotes)
If a child smiles, if an adult smiles, that is very important. If in our daily lives we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. If we really know how to live, what better way to start the day than with a smile? Our smile affirms our awareness and determination to live in peace and joy. The source of a true smile is an awakened mind (Daily Lives Quotes)
Our children should learn the general framework of their government and then they should know where they come in contact with the government, where it touches their daily lives and where their influence is exerted on the government. It must not be a distant thing, someone else’s business, but they must see how every cog in the wheel of a democracy is important and bears its share of responsibility for the smooth running of the entire machine (Daily Lives Quotes)
War is the spectacular and bloody projection of our everyday living. We precipitate war out of our daily lives; and without a transformation in ourselves, there are bound to be national and racial antagonisms, the childish quarreling over ideologies, the multiplication of soldiers, the saluting of flags, and all the many brutalities that go to create organized murder (Daily Lives Quotes)
What if we truly believed that there is a beneficent order to things, a force that’s holding things together without our conscious control? What if we could see, in our daily lives, the working of that force? What if we believed it loved us somehow and cared for us, and protected us? What if we believed we could afford to relax? (Daily Lives Quotes)
The way we live our daily lives is what most effects the situation of the world. If we can change our daily lives, then we can change our governments and can change the world. Our president and governments are us. They reflect our lifestyle and our way of thinking. The way we hold a cup of tea, pick up the newspaper or even use toilet paper are directly related to peace (Daily Lives Quotes)
Study and practice are both very important, but they must go hand in hand. Faith without knowledge is not sufficient. Faith needs to be supported by reason. However intellectual understanding that is not applied in practice is also of little use. Whatever we learn from study we need to apply sincerely in our daily lives (Daily Lives Quotes)
When it costs $50 to fill up our gas tanks, it impacts every aspect of our daily lives and the community (Daily Lives Quotes)
We have always been a great national party, with views on all the main issues. We recognise that what matters to people most are those things that affect their daily lives: schools, hospitals, transport and law and order and we have plenty to say about them (Daily Lives Quotes)
We think we know what it’s all about; we think that disability is a really simple thing, and we don’t expect to see disabled people in our daily lives (Daily Lives Quotes)
I want to be part of the storytelling that educates people and awakens a sense of compassion in other people of the kind of people they don’t encounter in their daily lives very frequently (Daily Lives Quotes)
Our daily lives are so mundane, we get taken over by what is immediately in front of us and we don’t see beyond that (Daily Lives Quotes)
We have seen a central government taking more and more control over public education, over communications, over transportation, over every detail of our daily lives (Daily Lives Quotes)
People should go about their daily lives, to work, to live, to travel, to shop, to do the things people did in the same way as they did them before 11 September (Daily Lives Quotes)
That’s half of what we do our daily lives - we react to our surroundings. Of course, we have to make it entertaining, and we are entertainers (Daily Lives Quotes)