Daily Quotes

Text Quotes
Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all (Daily Quotes)
I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me (Daily Quotes)
If Cassio do remain, he hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly; and besides, the Moor May unfold me to him; there stand I in much peril (Daily Quotes)
For us artists there waits the joyous compromise through art with all that wounded or defeated us in daily life; in this way, not to evade destiny, as the ordinary people try to do, but to fulfill it in its true potential - the imagination (Daily Quotes)
I grow daily to honour facts more and more, and theory less and less. A fact, it seems to me, is a great thing; a sentence printed, if not by God, then at least by the Devil (Daily Quotes)
Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work - that goes on, it adds up (Daily Quotes)
Let everyone try and find that as a result of daily prayer he adds something new to his life, something with which nothing can be compared (Daily Quotes)
Man falls from the pursuit of the ideal of plan living and high thinking the moment he wants to multiply his daily wants. Man's happiness really lies in contentment (Daily Quotes)
It is only through such real life daily struggles and challenges that a genuine sensitivity to human rights can be inculcated. This is a truth that is not limited to school education: it applies to all of us (Daily Quotes)
God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason (Daily Quotes)
To be obliged to beg our daily happiness from others bespeaks a more lamentable poverty than that of him who begs his daily bread (Daily Quotes)
The wisdom of God's Word is quite clear on believers being unequally yoked. And marrying someone who is not a Christian - who is not a daily disciple of Christ - is being unequally yoked, regardless of what their beliefs might be (Daily Quotes)
All brave men love; for he only is brave who has affections to fight for, whether in the daily battle of life, or in physical contests (Daily Quotes)
O let us love our occupations, bless the squire and his relations, live upon our daily rations, and always know our proper stations (Daily Quotes)
It's the beauty and curse of doing a daily show. Some days you've got nothing to talk about and other days Dick Cheney shoots his lawyer in the face and everyone is happy (Daily Quotes)
Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts (Daily Quotes)
My job is to be a spokesman - the spokesman, I suppose - for the President, for the White House, to do the daily briefings, to manage the press corps in terms of travel, day to day needs, access, interviews, all those issues (Daily Quotes)
Most people use music as a couch; they want to be pillowed on it, relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living. But serious music was never meant to be soporific (Daily Quotes)
The riches of the soul are stored up in it's memory. This is the test of character, not whether a man follows the daily fashion, but whether the past is alive in his present (Daily Quotes)
I have a nervous breakdown in the film and in one scene I get to stand at the top of the stairs waving an empty sherry bottle which is, of course, a typical scene from my daily life, so isn't much of a stretch (Daily Quotes)
People of the Philippines: I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil - soil consecrated in the blood of our two peoples. We have come, dedicated and committed to the task of destroying every vestige of enemy control over your daily lives, and of restoring upon a foundation of indestructible strength, the liberties of your people (Daily Quotes)
Do not let the empty cup be your first teacher of the blessings you had when it was full. Do not let a bard place here and there in the bed destroy your rest. Seek, as a plain duty, to cultivate a buoyant, joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God in your daily life (Daily Quotes)
A strange volume of real life in the daily packet of the postman. Eternal love and instant payment! (Daily Quotes)
Little do such men know the toil, the pains, the daily, nightly racking of the brains, to range the thoughts, the matter to digest, to cull fit phrases, and reject the rest (Daily Quotes)
This crowded world of space was perfectly real to him. How he had got to it I do not know. Perhaps his mind, dwelling constantly on the problem, had unsealed some atrophied cell and restored the old instinct. Anyhow, he was living his daily life with a foot in each world (Daily Quotes)
All men need something to poetize and idealize their life a little - something which they value for more than it's use, and which is a symbol of their emancipation from the mere materialism and drudgery of daily life (Daily Quotes)
My ultimate vocation in life is to be an irritant, someone who disrupts the daily drag of life just enough to leave the victim thinking there's maybe more to it all than the mere hum drum quality of existence (Daily Quotes)
The hero is not fed on sweets, daily his own heart he eats; chambers of the great are jails, and head winds right for royal sails (Daily Quotes)
The most important of life's battles is the one we fight daily in the silent chambers of the soul (Daily Quotes)
O, know, sweet love, I always write of you, and you and love are still my argument; so all my best is dressing old words new, spending again what is already spent: for as the sun is daily new and old, so is my love still telling what is told (Daily Quotes)