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Society, by insisting on conventions, has merely insisted on certain convenient signs by which we may know that a man is considering, in daily life, the comfort of other people  (Daily Quotes) It is personal vanity of the most flagrant type which intrudes itself, unasked, into other people’s affairs. There are few of us who do not feel capable of ordering the daily lives of others, down to the most minute detail  (Daily Quotes) The spirit in which one earns his daily bread means as much to his soul as the bread itself may mean to his body  (Daily Quotes) Poets yearn, of course, to be published, read, and understood, but they do little, if anything, to set themselves above the common herd and the daily grind  (Daily Quotes) The greatest victory anyone can taste is the daily challenge to outrun those fears that you vanquished... days, weeks, months past  (Daily Quotes) Thought is the source of all wealth, all success, all achievement. Our dominant thoughts determine our individuality, our career, our daily life  (Daily Quotes) Parents do not, indeed, live by bread alone. We feast daily on banquets of our own words  (Daily Quotes) Where do we even start on the daily walk of restoration and awakening? We start where we are  (Daily Quotes) I think it’s always important to reflect anyway, no matter what age you’re approaching or what milestone is in front of you. Reflection should be almost a daily thing if possible  (Daily Quotes) Pain is my daily routine. As long as I don’t go to the hospital, it’s nothing for me  (Daily Quotes) In very truth it is the unattained which gives zest to the commonplace and brims the cup of our daily life with keenest joy  (Daily Quotes) In home life contentment is an essential to daily comfort. One discontented person in the house creates an atmosphere fatal to tranquillity  (Daily Quotes) The caliber of actors I’m getting to work with and learn from on a daily basis is phenomenal for me as a developing actor  (Daily Quotes) The idea of prosthetics is a tool. Most peoples cell phones are prosthetics. If you leave your cell phone at home, you feel impacted by not having it. Its an important part of your daily function and what you can do in a day  (Daily Quotes) The gym is somewhere you can go to just forget for an hour what you do for a living, what you are doing on a daily basis. You just turn up and get on with it  (Daily Quotes) Salinger is a master of the memorable detail, the seemingly random gesture, the debris of mundane daily operations, the stuff that is left out of any analysis  (Daily Quotes) Despite the enormous role that local government plays in our daily lives, the constitution makes not one mention of it  (Daily Quotes) The job of the color photographer is to provide some level of abstraction that can take the image out of the daily  (Daily Quotes) The biggest influence on my books was the fact that I had worked in a newspaper for so long. In a daily paper, you learn to write very quickly; there is no time to sit and brood about what you are going to say  (Daily Quotes) I found that dance, music, and literature is how I made sense of the world... it pushed me to think of things bigger than lifes daily routines... to think beyond what is immediate or convenient  (Daily Quotes) I daily disconnect and read a good book or listen to a good sermon or call a friend or my mom and talk on the phone with my feet up. I also take baths with bath salts that I make myself  (Daily Quotes) Love is vivid. I never wanted the pale version. Love is full strength. I never wanted the diluted version. I never shied away from love’s hugeness but I had no idea that love could be as reliable as the sun. The daily rising of love  (Daily Quotes) We should make decisions in life with our hearts, not our brains, not only in music but in daily life  (Daily Quotes) For better or worse, there is not a situation in one’s daily life that does not have feminist subtext, superstructure, implications and one is constantly aware of it, even when you want to rest it stands up and hits you in the face  (Daily Quotes) My friends are my inspiration, and all of them are true friends that support me. On a daily basis, I know that I have my friends to rely on  (Daily Quotes) It’s a daily miracle to see a child grow and develop all the senses and language and speech and faculties, and they’re so much fun and they’re so delightful and they’re so innocent. It just stops your heart every time; I can’t get enough of it  (Daily Quotes) I think if you looked at the kind of ebb and flow of supernatural fiction and horror fiction, it does seem to be more popular in times when were hammered over the head daily with threats from all angles, very real threats  (Daily Quotes) The significance is that it is my challenge; it gets me out of the door every morning and it is good for my physical and mental health which I can monitor on a daily basis  (Daily Quotes) Are not the daily devotions conducted by these legal ecclesiastics already degenerating into a scanty attendance, and a tiresome formality?  (Daily Quotes) I’m enjoying where I’m at in my life and I feel like I’m learning a lot on a daily basis. I’m learning without having to be behind a desk, so it’s a pretty cool place to be  (Daily Quotes)
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