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All causes are essentially mental, and whosoever comes into daily contact with a high order of thinking must take on some of it  (Daily Quotes) The roads are filled with armed robbers, and murders for mere plunder are of daily occurrence  (Daily Quotes) I only knew about daily life. It was said, well, it isn’t everybody’s daily life. That is why I started  (Daily Quotes) From the very commencement the student should set out to witness the progress and effects of sickness and ought to persevere in the daily observation of disease during the whole period of his studies  (Daily Quotes) Therefore it does not help to sneer at the imperfection of today’s reality or to preach absolutes as a daily agenda  (Daily Quotes) The daily press, the immediate media, is superb at synecdoche, at giving us a small thing that stands for a much larger thing. Reporters on the ground, embedded or otherwise, can tell us about or send us pictures of what happened in that place at that time among those people  (Daily Quotes) Just able barely to mount a horse and ride about a little in the spring of 1866, my life was threatened daily, and I was forced to go heavily armed. The whole country was then full of militia, robbing, plundering and killing  (Daily Quotes) Wars tend to be very public things, they are visible. There are correspondents traveling with the troops and you get daily dispatches  (Daily Quotes) It’s like a cast of actors; you’re all working together closely under pressure to produce something everyday. and when we put up an issue, it’s like the curtains opening on a new play. I really like that daily sense of surprise  (Daily Quotes) Games are not so bad because the adrenalin keeps you going, but training on a daily basis when every time you move it hurts, that is a real battle  (Daily Quotes) Most fiction writers uses dreams decoratively without relating them to daily life, but the contemporary writer is becoming more expert at detecting the influence of one upon the other  (Daily Quotes) Oh, are not the pleasures in life, in this daily round, trifling compared with the pains!  (Daily Quotes) A meaningful life is made up of a series of daily acts of decency and kindness, which, ironically, add up to something truly great over the course of a lifetime  (Daily Quotes) On a daily basis there are some huge ones that are, sure, from time to time, but it is helping the reader sort through all this sort of gray stuff out there  (Daily Quotes) There is a connection between me and the collectors, and as admirers of the work they tell me about the differences the pieces are able to make in their lives on a daily basis  (Daily Quotes) Love had he found in huts where poor men lie; His daily teachers had been woods and rills, the silence that is in the starry sky, the sleep that is among the lonely hills  (Daily Quotes) Who among us hasn’t envied a cat’s ability to ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely?  (Daily Quotes) There lay certitude; there, in the daily round. all the rest hung on mere threads and trivial contingencies; you couldn’t waste your time on it. The thing was to do your job as it should be done  (Daily Quotes) One of my greatest pleasures in life is promising myself I will not drink, or smoke, or take coke, or do heroin, or eat cookies, then doing it. It’s a pleasure that can be repeated daily  (Daily Quotes) When you ignore what people are saying on a daily basis, calling for the annihilation of your country, you are ignoring them at your own risk  (Daily Quotes) Learning to cherish others is the best solution to our daily problems, and it is the source of all our future happiness and good fortune  (Daily Quotes) In a world that daily disconnects further from truth, more and more people accept the virtual in place of the real, and all things virtual are also malleable  (Daily Quotes) It is right to chide man for being blind to such coincidences in his daily life. For he thereby deprives his life of a dimension of beauty  (Daily Quotes) It is a gaping wound, whenever one touches it and removes the bandages and plasters of daily life  (Daily Quotes) If a man stays away from his wife for seven years, the law presumes the separation to have killed him; yet according to our daily experience, it might well prolong his life  (Daily Quotes) Those who get their living by their daily labor... Have nothing to stir them up to be serviceable but their wants which it is a prudence to relieve, but folly to cure  (Daily Quotes) With the only certainty in our daily existence being change, and a rate of change growing always faster in a kind of technological leapfrog game, speed helps people think they are keeping up  (Daily Quotes) Neither evil tongues, rash judgements, nor the sneers of selfish men, nor greetings where no kindness is, nor all the dreary intercourse of daily life, shall e’er prevail against us  (Daily Quotes) For a generous and noble spirit cannot be expected to dwell in the breast of men who are struggling for their daily bread  (Daily Quotes) Lastly, the ashes left behind, may daily show to move the mind, that to ashes and dust return we must: Then think, and drink tobacco  (Daily Quotes)
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