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What is death but a ceasing to b what we were before? We are kindled, and put out, we die daily; nature that begot us expels us, and a better and safer place is provided for us  (Daily Quotes) Familiarity so dulls the edge of perception as to make us least acquainted with things forming part of our daily life  (Daily Quotes) Let death and exile, and all other things which appear terrible, be daily before your eyes, but death chiefly; and you will never entertain any abject thought, nor too eagerly covet anything  (Daily Quotes) Every one must see daily instances of people who complain from a mere habit of complaining  (Daily Quotes) Interest has the security, though not the virtue of a principle. As the world goes, it is the surest side; for men daily leave both relations and religion to follow it  (Daily Quotes) There are days when I am envious of my hens: when I hunger for a purpose as perfect and sure as a single daily egg  (Daily Quotes) It is a little thing to speak a phrase of common comfort, which by daily use has almost lost its sense; yet on the ear of him who thought to die unmourned it will fall like choicest music  (Daily Quotes) Far better, and more cheerfully, I could dispense with some part of the downright necessaries of life, than with certain circumstances of elegance and propriety in the daily habits of using them  (Daily Quotes) If of all words of tongue and pen, the saddest are, it might have been, more sad are those we daily see, it is, but it hadn’t ought to be  (Daily Quotes) Everything someone does on a daily basis should be traceable back to an annual or quarterly plan  (Daily Quotes) Just try to give as much as you can through your daily life to yourself and the people around you  (Daily Quotes) We must pay a price to touch godliness through daily decision to die to self and embrace the cross  (Daily Quotes) Loyalty saves the wear and tear of making daily decisions as to what is best to do  (Daily Quotes) Amidst the confusion of the times, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives  (Daily Quotes) Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures  (Daily Quotes) I get younger people who watch Conan or The Daily Show, but before that it was mostly people who knew me from public radio. Those people are kind of old  (Daily Quotes) I want to be part of the storytelling that educates people and awakens a sense of compassion in other people of the kind of people they don’t encounter in their daily lives very frequently  (Daily Quotes) In most daily journalism, you only fact-check something if it seems a little fishy  (Daily Quotes) I work on myself daily to be a better person. When I react in a negative way to somebody, I sit back and think about why I did it, so I’m always working on myself, and my music is the same  (Daily Quotes) They’re still advertising the added health-giving advantages of vitamins in your daily diet, although it has long since been shown that you’d be better off eating Smarties  (Daily Quotes) Living with a stammer is difficult. It’s a daily uphill struggle with emotional baggage weighing you down. You can’t be the person you want to be  (Daily Quotes) A cultural shift is needed to incorporate exercise into our children’s daily lives  (Daily Quotes) I often write two books simultaneously. Usually one of them starts out as a fun experiment designed to give me a daily break from the real book I’m writing. And then that becomes a real book too  (Daily Quotes) Health care providers, saving lives daily in our emergency rooms, live with federal mandates  (Daily Quotes) Stress is the demon in our society, stalking the cities and the countryside, striking down young and old and growing in strength daily  (Daily Quotes) I was lucky enough to watch my son hit a grand slam at sports camp, and that was great. Yes, I may miss some things, but honestly, I think I get to see more than a dad who works a daily 9 to 5  (Daily Quotes) Professorship is not a career, but rather a life’s pursuit. The people with whom I work daily exemplify and remind me of this promise  (Daily Quotes) For many years I was engaged in journalism, writing articles and chronicles for the daily press without ever joining the staff of any newspaper  (Daily Quotes) That it is logical, fair and reasonable to maintain the purchasing power of an hour’s work in terms of goods and services the employee must purchase in his daily living  (Daily Quotes) It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts  (Daily Quotes)
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