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Daily Quotes

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You should examine yourself daily. If you find faults, you should correct them. When you find none, you should try even harder  (Daily Quotes) The neighboring tribes are becoming daily less warlike, and more helpless and dependent on us … hey have, in a great measure, ceased to be an object of terror, and have become that of commiseration  (Daily Quotes) In daily life we never understand each other, neither complete clairvoyance nor complete confessional exists  (Daily Quotes) Curiosity is one of the lowest of the human faculties. You will have noticed in daily life that when people are inquisitive they nearly always have bad memories and are usually stupid at bottom  (Daily Quotes) A very slight change of our habits is sufficient to destroy our sense of our daily reality, and the reality of the world around us  (Daily Quotes) If you employed study, thinking, and planning time daily, you could develop and use the power that can change the course of your destiny  (Daily Quotes) Our daily lives are so mundane, we get taken over by what is immediately in front of us and we don’t see beyond that  (Daily Quotes) Our life is a book to which we add daily, until suddenly we are finished, and then the manuscript is burned  (Daily Quotes) As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you  (Daily Quotes) There are black zones of shadow close to our daily paths, and now and then some evil soul breaks a passage through. When that happens, the man who knows must strike before reckoning the consequences  (Daily Quotes) Most neuroses and some psychoses can be traced to the unnecessary and unhealthy habit of daily wallowing in the troubles and sins of five billion strangers  (Daily Quotes) The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening  (Daily Quotes) Great things are possible only to strong souls and it’s from the trivial events of daily life that strength is won  (Daily Quotes) We are here to change the world with small acts of thoughtfulness done daily rather than with one great breakthrough  (Daily Quotes) When a baseball player makes an error, it goes into the record and is published. How many of us could stand this sort of daily scrutiny?  (Daily Quotes) God designed that the living machinery should be in daily activity. For in this activity or motion is its preserving power... The more we exercise, the better will be the circulation of the blood  (Daily Quotes) Each activity of daily life in which we stretch ourselves on behalf of others is a prayer in action  (Daily Quotes) Every man must take time daily for quiet and meditation. In daily meditation lies the secret of power  (Daily Quotes) Keeping the daily demands of life in balance is one of the great tasks of mortality. There is no peace for those whose lives are out of balance temporally or spiritually  (Daily Quotes) Language is of divine origin.. Some may know this but do not realize its implications in their daily family life. Love at home starts with loving language  (Daily Quotes) Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable  (Daily Quotes) The most successful people in life are the ones who settle their critical issues early and manage them daily  (Daily Quotes) We need a daily paper edited and composed according to woman’s own thoughts, and not as woman thinks a man wants her to think and write  (Daily Quotes) Only people who are assured of daily food can concern themselves with matters of principle and ethic. A man will become a slave rather than starve  (Daily Quotes) Character. Is a habit, the daily choice of right over wrong; it is a moral quality which grows to maturity in peace and is not suddenly developed on the outbreak of war  (Daily Quotes) Let us all pledge to protect this opportunity in order to see that the wish of peace becomes a true and daily fact in this region  (Daily Quotes) We have seen a central government taking more and more control over public education, over communications, over transportation, over every detail of our daily lives  (Daily Quotes) Crazy Horse saw history as integrated in the present, incorporated into daily life  (Daily Quotes) If I am to be known for anything, I would like it to be for encouraging Canadians, for knowing a little bit about their daily, extraordinary courage. And for wanting that courage to be recognized  (Daily Quotes) If you think of what food is, it’s the energy we use to do our daily work. I want people to know about the USDA. This is a very important department. It’s not fully appreciated as such  (Daily Quotes)
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