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I am stopping so I can be a full-time father to my two young sons on a daily basis  (Daily Quotes) The Christian life has been nothing more and nothing less than a daily dependence on and a rediscovery of God’s grace  (Daily Quotes) It’s hard in daily life. It’s even harder in management because it’s the stress of the moment  (Daily Quotes) My family lives all around me. We see each other daily. It’s very, very complicated. I think that families hold us together and they split us apart  (Daily Quotes) I think my heart breaks daily living in Salt Lake City, Utah. But I still love it. And that is the richness, the texture  (Daily Quotes) Secret Services are everywhere. They are part of out daily life. We just don’t really care. We are not concerned at all  (Daily Quotes) To my mother, I was everything. To my father, nothing at all. To my grandmother, I was a daily reminder of loves long lost  (Daily Quotes) I’m not much a TV reporter, as in someone who covers the daily machinations of the television industry, though I certainly follow it and weave it into my reviews and essays about the medium  (Daily Quotes) ....oysters are the only food that never causes indigestion. Indeed, a man would have to eat sixteen dozen of these acephalous molluscs in order to gain the 315 grammes of nitrogen he requires daily  (Daily Quotes) We are living in a time when the very integrity of the Constitution is being threatened daily, from federal bailouts to federal assumption of control over private business  (Daily Quotes) I realize that the New York Times probably not written for the express purpose of driving me mad; I think of it as liberalism’s daily bulletin board  (Daily Quotes) But of course I love my Japanese fans and the show must go on, no matter the daily aftershocks or husband kidnappings! It’s not right but it’s oka  (Daily Quotes) There are so many (negative) things out there on television and movies right now. Even the daily news, it gets depressing  (Daily Quotes) I am very conscious on a daily basis of how extraordinarily blessed I am to get to do what I do and work with the people that I work with, so I make a practice of being grateful  (Daily Quotes) I do a TV show about a priest in London, and he is also slightly beleaguered and is subject to fate and misfortune and daily difficulty  (Daily Quotes) People should go about their daily lives, to work, to live, to travel, to shop, to do the things people did in the same way as they did them before 11 September  (Daily Quotes) If I blew my nose the Daily Express and the Daily Mail would say that I am trying to spread germ warfare  (Daily Quotes) I stand in my own way on a daily basis. I don’t know if this is something I will ever overcome completely, and I’m oddly okay with that  (Daily Quotes) Getting up early and setting myself daily targets, even outside of acting, keeps me active and motivated in general and thus happier, which I hope translates into my personality and my work  (Daily Quotes) I keep a gratitude log, which helps to remind me of all the blessings I experience daily  (Daily Quotes) You can quit smoking, and never have to have a cigarette again to survive. But with food, it is a daily challenge  (Daily Quotes) I’m not a daily coffee guy at all, or energy drinks or anything like that  (Daily Quotes) I have morning prayers and a nighttime reflection. I also read the Bible daily  (Daily Quotes) My husband and my children inspire me on a daily basis to be the best wife, mom, and woman I can be  (Daily Quotes) I do everything I can on a daily basis just so I can have something to give back to the world  (Daily Quotes) Write hand-written notes daily and commit to supporting the growth and self-esteem of children, because it makes such a big difference in terms of their capacity for learning  (Daily Quotes) There was a time when we would pick up Women’s Wear Daily and couldn’t wait to see what it read. And now, you get it five minutes later on your iPad or your phone! The same has to apply to fashion  (Daily Quotes) That’s half of what we do our daily lives - we react to our surroundings. Of course, we have to make it entertaining, and we are entertainers  (Daily Quotes) People, I guess, generally come to see me do stand-up with a working knowledge of my broad sense of humor on The Daily Show ... I don’t think anyone would mistake me as an actual anchor  (Daily Quotes) Poems can’t help but be personal. Mine are certainly an accurate blueprint of the things I think about, if not a record of my daily life  (Daily Quotes)
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